Blonde Jokes --- Q & A
Q: Why couldn't the blonde write the number ELEVEN?
A: Because she didn't know which one came first!
Q: How can you confuse a blonde?
A: Put her in a round room and tell her to sit in the corner.
Q: How do blonde brain cells die?
A: Alone.
Q: What did the blondes right leg say to her left leg?
A: Nothing, they never met.
Q: Why did God create blondes?
A: Because sheep can't fetch a beer from the fridge.
Q: What do you call a smart blonde?
A: A Golden retriever!
Q: What do you get when you ask a blonde, a penny for your thoughts?
A: Change!
Q: Why do blondes take the pill?
A: So they know which day of the week it is.
Q: Why is a washing machine better than a blonde?
A: Because you can drop your load in a washing machine, and it won't follow you around for a week!
Q: What do you call a blonde with half a brain?
A: Gifted.
Q: Why did eighteen blondes go to the movies together?
A: They heard that under seventeen weren't admitted!
Q: What does a peroxide blonde and a 747 have in common?
A: They both have a black box.
Q: How do you get a blonde to marry you?
A: Tell her she's pregnant.
Q: Why did the Blonde get fired at the M & M factory?
A: She threw out all the W's
Q: What did the blonde do when she heard that 90% of accidents occur around the home?
A: She moved.
Q: Why do blondes look up and smile at lightning?
A: They think someone is taking their picture.
Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a trampoline?
A: You take your shoes off before you jump on a trampoline!
Q: What do UFO's and smart blondes have in common?
A: You keep hearing about them, but never see any.
Q: Why can't blondes count to 70?
A: Because 69 is a bit of a mouthful.
Q: What is the difference between blondes and traffic signs?
A: Some traffic signs say stop.
Q: What do you call it when a blonde dies their hair brunette?
A: Artificial intelligence.
Q: Why did the blonde wear condoms on her ears?
A: So she wouldn't get Hearing Aides.
Q: Why is it good to have a blonde passenger?
A: You can park in the handicap zone.
Q: What's a blonde's favorite nursery rhyme?
A: Humpme Dumpme.
Q: How do you make a blonde's eyes light up?
A: Shine a flashlight in their ear.
Q: What do a blonde and your computer have in common?
A: You don't know how much either of them mean to you until they go down on you.