Subject: King Hing - Japanese girl (anybody tried her?)
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Post at 14-11-2019 22:42  Profile P.M. 
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King Hing - Japanese girl (anybody tried her?)

I came across a Japanese girl dressed in Kimono (and a sexy Kimono, could see her cleavage) at King Hing.

She should be either level 10 11 or 12, Room B6 (turn left if you exit from the lift). There's a fake Japanese Passport on her door.

Has anybody tried her before? I had my initial doubts whether she's real but when she told me "Four hundred and fifty", the japanese accent sounded quite genuine. After coming home I regret not going in

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Explorer1   15-11-2019 09:37  Acceptance  +4   Go hit it Bro! What’s the matter with you LOL
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Post at 14-11-2019 22:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 simhyi's post

There's always tomorrow - sushi Friday

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simhyi   15-11-2019 14:09  Acceptance  +1   @ Explorer1 unfortunately I went there to visit a regular, but couldn't resist taking a walk first (: and no i wasnt up ...

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