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Post at 24-6-2018 00:10  Profile P.M. 
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World Cup

Who you guys got winning the World Cup?

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batman108   9-7-2018 12:54  Acceptance  +2   England all the way
Hugo569   24-6-2018 09:09  Acceptance  +1   Don't know about this but I know I'm loosing (my mind).... Every god damn bar I go in SheKou has a game on...
Kinky King
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Post at 24-6-2018 11:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 scootermonger's post

I am leaning for Belgium for some weird reason.
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Post at 7-7-2018 20:09  Profile P.M. 
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Hey guys, will be arriving in HK this Monday and want to watch the semis in a bar or cafe. Any recommendation where they would stay open for the games?
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Post at 7-7-2018 20:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 theworm's post

It is not a weird reason at all. They have a golden generation that finally matured after loss against Argentina in 2014 and a miserabel game against Wales in 2016. I'm cheering for Belgium too!

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theworm   8-7-2018 00:22  Acceptance  +5   thanks for your approval, after last night, it's getting closer. ha ha

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