Subject: Any good recommendations for a fake tits lover?
  This thread has been closed by sexyloser at 18-5-2024 11:24. 
Lustful Lord
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Post at 6-6-2018 15:26  Profile P.M. 
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Any good recommendations for a fake tits lover?

Contrary to many here, I have a fetish for fake tits.  The problem with finding HGs is that all of them advertise real tits regardless as to whether they are real or not.  It means it's very difficult to find leads for the right girls.   

I know most Thais have implants and have sampled a fair few.  But when it comes to Chinese girls, I have mostly just went with girls who other members have reported back for having fakes.  So, are there any recommendations or tips on how to find one with fakes?

Many thanks in advance.

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batman108   7-7-2018 01:21  Acceptance  +2   awesome and thanks
zebrazebra   6-7-2018 23:24  Acceptance  +4   adding to my post below, there's actually a sizable number of chinese WGs that have pretty large natural tits, so i'd ...
Lustful Lord
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Post at 5-7-2018 16:49  Profile P.M. 
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I would suggest ringing on some walk up doors and if she's Chinese with big tits, they're most likely enhanced (or just pushed up like hell)

Or you can ask them at the door (make sure you include that you like 'em fake)

If they're skinny with big tits, they're most likely fake. If not, well you've found a gem...

[ Last edited by  zebrazebra at 5-7-2018 16:52 ]

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