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Post at 5-10-2020 18:44  Profile P.M. 
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Thai Covid Outbreak

Now now, I don't know for sure that these thai ladies getting covid in the current outbreak were working ladies, but with a lot of these things you gotta put your brain to work.
I could be wrong and if I am then my bad!

In the interest of public safety, if you've hit up any visiting Thai HGs then maybe keep an eye on yourself or even get tested (covid, not the other kind )

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IndyHundred   7-10-2020 11:02  Acceptance  +2   Smart advice. Get tested.
drunkmunky   5-10-2020 19:39  Acceptance  +4   Please add context? What happened? was there a recent SW Covid Outbreak?
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Post at 5-10-2020 22:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 unknownst's post

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unknownst   6-10-2020 05:19  Acceptance  +4   Yeah my bad
Lustful Lord
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Post at 5-10-2020 22:36  Profile P.M. 
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Planning to visit Thailand next month. Given the Covid situation Wondering if it is Worth it to make the trip or better to wait until early next year ?
Lustful Lord
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Post at 6-10-2020 05:21  Profile P.M. 
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Sorry, was referring to that scmp article.


No clue. Even if the testing and travel conditions are good/safe, it still depends on the testing on the ground over there

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Cspoker50   7-10-2020 07:54  Acceptance  +1   Favorable

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