my 2c
I think you've done your bit:
Originally posted by wander at 22-10-2012 22:45
I filled him in on her full story (husband, kids, etc.) and told him it would be wise to back away. He did. ...
For SURE your mate's wife has never forgotten being cheated on
and your mate can't be pointing fingers at her behaviour
My view is they already decided what they want to do: stay together, forgive past indiscretions, and accept that they are both human from time-to-time
It's definitely a tough choice, but based on what you've shared, if I was in your shoes, blah blah blah, I'd not tell him. He had his fling, and chose to stay, so an ONS on her part doesn't have to burst his domestic happiness.
Speaking for myself, if someone know my SO had a fling and they told me, I'd just let it go ...
... very different if she does it blatantly and rubs my face in it ... but if she's being totally discreet I'd let her keep her secret even if it wasn't a secret.