Praying for divine help...
A religious man finds himself in a lot of financial trouble having recently lost his job with a huge mortgage yet to be paid off. Worse yet, his wife leaves him taking the kids with her. He really loves his kids and would fight to get his kids back if only he had the money.
So he started praying to God: "God, I really need your help. Everything's been going bad of late and I really need a lot of money to get me back on track. Please can you help me win the lottery this week!"
The lottery is drawn, but he doesn't win anything.
Disappointed, but not yet disillusioned he desperately prays again: "God. I know you were probably a little too busy last time. Please hear my prayers and let me win the lottery this time."
The next lottery is drawn, but again he doesn't win.
Getting quite upset, the man shouts up to the heavens: "Why have you abandoned me? Have I done something wrong? Why won't you answer my prayers!?!?"
Then after a crack of lightning and boom of thunder came a deep and powerful voice: "I heard you my son, but you're going to have to meet me half way on this one. Buy a lottery ticket first!"
[ Last edited by yyy111 at 26-1-2012 14:27 ]