Originally posted by shootingstar at 18-4-2011 16:32
hk isnt like USA ...
hk isn't like USA, period!!
I'm finding it hard even to find a single point of comparison between HK and USA ... unless you start comparing Manhattan psf prices to HK, you can come close ... but on other dynamics they might as well be on different continents ... oh, wait, they ARE on different continents
financing structures
legal framework
supply and demand
cultural expectations
relationship with government
... most measures seem more different than similar ...
NOT to say prices can't go down here - frankly HK property prices are much more volatile than in US - and most definitely can go down.
Word of caution would be not to try too hard to evaluate "The Market" as a whole. Reality is that there are many markets in property, and it is frequently the case that one segment is going up while another is going down. You have to specialise, and get to know one or two niches that you particularly like.