This sounds like a tongue in cheek poll, but it actually happened to me. If you had a backup portable/non-portable harddrive that contained an extensive collection of hardcore porn and important personal (and possibly work) data files went buggered, would you still go to a professional data recovery service/or office tech guy to recover everything or just suck up your losses and chuck the dead drive away?
My drive was purchased in those days when portable drives were quite expensive so I (stupidly) mixed my hardcore pornos (all straight stuff) and my personal files in one drive. Those data files were so important that I had to suck it up and hand my buggered drive to some professionals to fix the drive enough to be able to recover and transfer all files to a new drive. The only justifications I could think to submit myself to such a social grilling was to tell myself that these tech guys (and girls) were professional and discreet enough after seeing so much stuff on the hard drives of all the computers they fixed over the years and that everyone knows all normal guys have pornos on their hard drives.
Edited : Added explanation to choices.
The choices got chopped off by formatting.
No - Too embarrassed to get hard drive fixed by professional, don't want everyone to think I am a perv
Yes - The data files are too important to lose, besides all guys have porno in their HD, I am normal
Maybe - Depends on how important the data files are to me (or vice versa depends how important the pornos are)
Last edited by doghead at 2-11-2010 01:34 ]