Lustful Lord
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Post at 25-11-2010 12:45  Profile P.M. 
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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!  In the US this date is a major holiday and staff get the one day off to celebrate and gather with family and give thanks for what they have.  There is usually lots of food and a big feast ensues.  I's read online that this holiday is also celebrated throughout the world.

Do you have turkey? Or have roast duck instead?  Do you kick off the day and give thanks by feasting on a WG? What customs and practices are part of your celebration for Thanksgiving?

Do you celebrate like these guys? ... hlight=thanksgiving ... hlight=thanksgiving ... hlight=thanksgiving

[ Last edited by  johndoe83 at 25-11-2010 12:50 ]
Lustful Lord
Rank: 4

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Post at 25-11-2010 14:24  Profile P.M. 
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Happy Thanksgiving!  I'm thankful to get the day off from work!  Gonna do the traditional Thanksgiving with family and watch some football on tv, but just might have to see if any girls at an AAMP are available.  Gotta stuff those birds, ya know!

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