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Post at 16-11-2010 08:36  Profile P.M. 
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Is this a bald kitty or ps'd out?

I have been trawlling the 141 gals for some time and have yet to come across one that has a bald kitty as the local bro's keep telling me that it is considered bad luck.  On my latest search I spied Sonja and it looks as though I may be in luck or it may just be some heavy photoshopping.

http://www.sex141.com/en/viewid. ... ;pd=-1&keyword=

I had a search and can't find any reports on her.  Anyone care to give me their opinion?
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Post at 16-11-2010 08:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 wackojacko's post

The listing has her race as 'other' so I would assume that she isn't Chinese and as such doesn't regard a bald pussy as bad luck. All of the listings that I have seen haven't gone so far as to photoshop the hair from their pussies, so I would say that there is a very high chance that she shaved her pussy for the database photos. As to wether she remains that way, best to call and ask.
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Post at 16-11-2010 09:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 atomic3d's post

Yep, I also thought that as her race was listed as "other" then it was a pretty good chance that she may well be bald.  If she is still listed on the DB when I hit HK then I will look her up!
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Post at 16-11-2010 21:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 wackojacko's post

I dunno, porn has spoiled me, I like the shaved look. Definitely going to go for some white tiger action if I ever get over to China. Also, if you read the occasional review of Thai girls who work here, almost all of them are totally shaved. Doesn't seem to hurt their business too much.

She looks Latina to me...most of them are mostly if not totally shaved. If she looks anything at all like that, I'd hit it.

Also, kind of curious about something...why are there no cookie shots on 141 while the competition has them?

How did it go in Vegas and LA?

[ Last edited by  paladin310 at 16-11-2010 05:11 ]
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Post at 17-11-2010 05:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 paladin310's post

After Vegas, LA was a total bust for mongering as I was hit with a heavy cold and struggled just to do what I had to do.  I had no energy left for anything except sleeping.

Every cloud has a silver lining though.  As I didn't hit up any WG's in LA I have some extra coin in my pocket.  I'm heading to China and HK in the next week so I can go crazy!

If Sonja is still around when I hit HK I will report on if her kitty is shaved or ps'd!

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