Subject: Prostitute paraded, how can the police bear to do this?
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Post at 15-11-2010 02:04  Profile P.M. 
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Prostitute paraded, how can the police bear to do this?

Prostitute paraded, how can the police bear to do this?

by maxiewawa on Saturday, November 13, 2010

In August of this year, the Sanzhong police station of Qingxi town in Dongguan city publicised photos of a prostitution suspect, which sparked heated debate. This was not an isolated case: recently, the Xishan branch of the Kunming Public Security Bureau kicked off a wide ranging initiative against places of entertainment. On the same night, a photo of a kneeling woman spread online and became a heated topic of discussion. Many netizens thought that the police had been too “violent” in their enforcement of the law, and called for prostitutes to be afforded proper respect. (October 26 “Hua Sheng Zai Xian []“)


Streetwalkers indeed damage the city’s image, and the police cracking down on them is reasonable and legal. But, what must be acknowledged is that these prostitutes aren’t doing these kind of things completely voluntarily. a lot of them are forced to do it by their situation. Let me ask this: What rich family’s daughter would go to the side of the road to solicit customers? Of course, those lazy women who turn to prostitution out of laziness are another story.

But, going back, no matter what, prostitutes are still citizens, and although they’ve broken the law, their basic rights should be respected. Parading them around on the streets, and publicising their personal details is a breach of their privacy. Although in this day and age there are still some that continue the practice of kneeling, it’s still hard to be sure if they willingly do it or are forced to. But from the pictures online, it’s very likely that the woman in question was made to kneel. You can see from the photo that her hands are tied behind her back, and there are some police behind her making her get down.

On the gates of many Public Security Bureaus, we can see the words “Strictly Enforce the Law, Enthusiastically Serve the People” in big letters. It can’t be denied that as society develops, law enforcement has become more civilised, but, most unfortunately, sometimes we still see some uncivilised actions committed in the enforcement of the law. The police need to continually strive to improve their basic quality, and the media needs to further its supervision of them. ... neel-in-public.html

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Post at 15-11-2010 03:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Weelock's post

From the comments of that page:

Which makes one lose respect more, being a prostitute, or being publicly humiliated? They don’t respect themselves, so why should we bother respecting them?

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Post at 15-11-2010 09:16  Profile P.M. 
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Most police are douche bags and one step away from being criminals themselves.  That is my experience over many years.  There are a few good ones I've met, but not many.

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atomic3d   15-11-2010 09:31  Acceptance  +1   Agree.
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Post at 15-11-2010 09:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 grantorino2's post

I've also found this to be true, though there is always the odd exception. Police, security guards, gaol wardens, etc. tend to have the same sort of personality profiles as criminals.

I'm not aware of any studies being done on this but I'd be willing to bet that if you compared all the non drug related criminals in the system to LE you'd find far more similarities than differences.

These kind of people get off on imposing their will on others wether it's giving a parking ticket or holding up a bank.
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Post at 15-11-2010 19:24  Profile P.M. 
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In China, for the most part, it is ALWAYS one step forward, two steps back, one step forward, two steps back......
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Post at 15-11-2010 20:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 grantorino2's post

Let me make an exception to this... at least IMHO

but I really do think that the Hong Kong Police IS Asia's... and even the World's finest.

Yeah yeah, like any police force, they of course CAN be faulted on some aspects - but to me, they are the most professional, courteous and well disciplined whilst still being quite effective.

Especially as crowded as Hong Kong is and how a lot of us CAN be a bit...errrr. ...discourteous, well I think/hope you get my drift.


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gweilofun   21-11-2010 17:20  Karma  +1   I have to 100% agree here.
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Post at 16-11-2010 11:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 SkinnyForum's post

"Which makes one lose respect more, being a prostitute, or being publicly humiliated? They don’t respect themselves, so why should we bother respecting them?"

Public humiliation was popular during the old communist era.  It is also popular if a student was bad in school in China.  They also paraded a line of prostitute and Johns a few years ago in Shenzhen.  It's like an open and public trial for all to see who was naughty. What happened in Shenzhen really look bad for the LE because there was no respect for them.

Edit: Grammer errors

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 16-11-2010 11:23 ]

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