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Post at 30-9-2010 10:58  Profile P.M. 
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Kidnap gangs smashed as 10,000 freed

Kidnap gangs smashed as 10,000 freed

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Police have freed more than 10,000 abducted women - including 1,100 foreigners - since April last year, as the widening gender gap in the mainland fuels bride trafficking and prostitution.

"In recent years, human trafficking has become more complicated, international and professional," the Global Times quoted Chen Shiqu, head of anti-trafficking at the Ministry of Public Security, as saying. "It is a new challenge for police."

According to the paper, China's male-to-female ratio in 2005 was 120 men to every 100 women.

The gender gap has created a situation where there are not enough women of marrying age for single men.

During an ongoing crackdown on human trafficking that began in April 2009, police have so far freed 10,621 kidnapped women and 5,896 kidnapped children, the report said.

Among the women freed were 1,099 foreigners, mostly from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Mongolia, who were sold as brides to Chinese men or forced to work as prostitutes.

The gap between the sexes has long been attributed to China's "one- child" family planning policy, which has resulted in more male births due to a traditional preference for male children.

"The traditional preference for boys and a shortage of women fueled the abductions," the paper quoted Li Hongtao, a professor at China Women's University, as saying.

"Children are sold to childless couples, and women are sold to some families who want to find wives for their sons."

During the crackdown, police have broken up nearly 2,400 criminal gangs, detaining nearly 16,000 suspects, the report said.

http://www.thestandard.com.hk/ne ... &sear_year=2010

After reading this, I now feel that a member's crusade wasn't just him alone.  Weelock  

There is also not enough females to go around in China.  I knew this a long time ago.

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 30-9-2010 11:26 ]
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Post at 30-9-2010 12:01  Profile P.M. 
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I've seen a few documentaries on these kidnap gangs and they would treat the poor victims worse than they would treat a dog. I mean if the kid didn't get a good price they would break there arms and legs and sell them to professional beggars. I think its the death penalty for human traffickers in China and its one thing I am not against!!
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Post at 30-9-2010 12:05  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Weelock at 30-9-2010 10:58
According to the paper, China's male-to-female ratio in 2005 was 120 men to every 100 women.

don't believe that...

many researchers say the male-to-female ratio is as high as 1:7
1 man for every 7 woman~!

Originally posted by Weelock at 30-9-2010 10:58
The gap between the sexes has long been attributed to China's "one- child" family planning policy, which has resulted in more male births due to a traditional preference for male children.

that is half-true.
the gap is caused by the one-child policy... but it resulted in way MORE female births..

almost all the china women i know, have many sisters but almost all has NONE or only ONE brother.
due to the one-child policy, city dwellers, when pregnant with girl, they would give birth unregistered and send the girl back to their village hometown.
for rural farmers, they are allowed to have more than one child, but must stop at the first boy.
hence, they may have many girls, before getting a boy.

since girls are not important to the parents, many are not registered.

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Post at 30-9-2010 12:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 kaka's post

Where did you get your stats about 7 to 1 ratio ?  7 females to 1 male ???  It's hard to believe.

I heard the ratio of females to males is higher in Russian, Thailand and the Philippines but not in China.  The ratio in Russian, Thailand and Philipines are not even that high of, 7 female to 1 male.

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 30-9-2010 15:59 ]
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Post at 30-9-2010 13:59  Profile P.M. 
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7 to 1 really?  From what I'm seeing it's about right in around cities in the mainland, and from some villages near there.
I have never seen any villages that filled with that many unregistered woman, and from the adoption numbers it's about the same.

[ Last edited by  chewie10 at 30-9-2010 14:03 ]
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Post at 30-9-2010 15:52  Profile P.M. 
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I have heard that the PRC government is planning to relax the one child policy in some cities, as the population is aging rapidly, and the life expectancy is also getting longer. If the one child policy is not relaxed, soon there will not be a large enough working population to support the ever increasing proportion of elderly. Once the policy is relaxed, there will be less pressure to produce more male babies and to "hide" the female ones.
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Post at 2-10-2010 00:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 Weelock's post

i watched a documentary that indicated the unofficial 7:1 ratio, and some PRC friends confirmed that too.
but of course that's not 100% accurate.

i work in the manufacturing industry, and handle a lot of recruitment stuff.
every year after chinese new year, there are always more women than men coming from the villages to the city looking for factory jobs.

i got some info from a china human resources agency.
they collect data and surveys from factory workers.
in 3 factories, total workers 1500+
they are required to provide info on their siblings.
out of these 1500+ workers, they have a total of 2800+ sisters and only 500+ brothers.
(we need this data, so that we can approach the workers to invite their siblings to come work at the factories.)

hence, i always feel there are actually more women in china than the reported demography.
but anyway, this is just my point of view.

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Post at 2-10-2010 07:06  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by kaka at 2-10-2010 00:07
i watched a documentary that indicated the unofficial 7:1 ratio, and some PRC friends confirmed that too.
but of course that's not 100% accurate.

Where did you watch the documentary ? What's the name of it.  Because in China things like this are censored.  I have watched several documentary tell me otherwise.  It was on linkTV, BBC and in the USA.

I have traveled around China and I don't see it.  You are talking about something like 100 million men to 700 million females. If you compare the population, 200 million male to 1400 million females. Add the total, it the about the total population of China 1.4 billion to 1.6 billion. You are saying there are less than 200 million males.

i work in the manufacturing industry, and handle a lot of recruitment stuff.
every year after Chinese new year, there are always more women than men coming from the villages to the city looking for factory jobs.

Does it include construction jobs, farm workers, mining and heavy labors in China, people at universities ?

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 2-10-2010 10:43 ]
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Post at 2-10-2010 10:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 Weelock's post

i watched it on CCTV4 some time ago.
never knew the title. it was a documentary on the declining farming life.
it wasnt censored, they even interviewed some 常委 members.

my opinion is based on the manufacturing sector.
based on people i meet, based on the home visits i did to the workers' homes, based on the complaints i get from the lack of male workers.

i know 7:1 sounds absolutely crazy..
it's just a figure i saw the tv.
and anyway we will never know for sure.


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