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Post at 18-8-2010 21:55  Profile P.M. 
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KTV Dice, Card & Other Games

I'm fucking useless at KTV games.

I can sorta play the basic dice game, the one where you mindlessly shout out "five 5s" or "six 6s" but can never figure out the rules. Like how many to start with when playing in a group of 3, 4, 5 etc and what the hell does the number one red spot mean (when it can stand in for other numbers and when it doesnt).

Then there are some variations: each player throws the dice to get a number, then everyone takes turn to throw them in a big bowl, 6 means add half-glass of whiskey, 7 a full cup, 8 to drink half-glass, 9 drink full glass, 10 to puke or whatever. Its really fun but kinda confusing when you try learning the rules on a half-assed mind...

Another dice game: each player rolls to get double or triple or quad or more sets of numbers, higher numbers wins, am i making any sense here?

And how the hell does one play Beat the Shit Out of the Landlord card game? Is it gin rummy in disguise? Somebody please provide the explanation in english.

There must be more fun games that one can play in the ktv room, so come on out and share!
bethpageblack (itchy)
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Post at 18-8-2010 22:45  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by JckJr at 18-8-2010 09:55 PM
Then there are some variations: each player throws the dice to get a number, then everyone takes turn to throw them in a big bowl, 6 means add half-glass of whiskey, 7 a full cup, 8 to drink half-glass, 9 drink full glass, 10 to puke or whatever. Its really fun but kinda confusing when you try learning the rules on a half-assed mind...

If you roll 7, you add as much booze as you want.  Not limited to a half glass.  
If you roll 6 or doubles (depends on what rules you are using), you reverse the order, i.e., clockwise to counter-clockwise
If you roll 8, you drink half of the booze in the glasses.
If you roll 9, you drink all the booze.
If you roll the same number 3 times in a row, you drink all the booze.
If you roll snake eyes (two 1s) you can pick who drinks all the booze.

[ Last edited by  bethpageblack at 19-8-2010 11:22 ]
bethpageblack (itchy)
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Post at 18-8-2010 22:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by JckJr at 18-8-2010 09:55 PM
I can sorta play the basic dice game, the one where you mindlessly shout out "five 5s" or "six 6s" but can never figure out the rules. Like how many to start with when playing in a group of 3, 4, 5 etc and what the hell does the number one red spot mean (when it can stand in for other numbers and when it doesnt).

One red spot (or 1) is wild.  If they call vegetarian (zhai) then no wilds.  A one is a one.  Every gal is different.  Some gals are horrible at it, some have absolutely no pattern.  It takes time and practice, but within, say, 5 hands, you should somewhat know if your opponent is a big time liar or not.
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Post at 18-8-2010 23:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 JckJr's post

hey bro i hear ya...im shit at these games too!

The liar game is as bro bethpageblack says, the way we play the one is if anything other than one is called then one is wild. But if someone calls ones, then the next player has to follow with a higher amount of ones.

I think the other game you refer to with the pairs, trips and quads is "lucky dice", it is basically as you say, the one with the lowest combo gets another chance to roll to avoid having the lowest combo again.

There is another one called "bomb" which is good for bigger groups. Everyone rolls 2 die and try to get the highest combo, 9 being highest, 10 being zero. If anyone rolls a pair, any pair, thats one full cup. Its terrible if you lose with a party of say 10 peeps cos invariably theres 3 ppl with pairs which means 3 cups of usually nasty chivas green tea.

There are many more variations as you say...i usually try to stick to the ones i know...
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Post at 18-8-2010 23:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 JckJr's post

oh btw the landlord game is basically a version of "big 2" or "chor dai dee" with 3 players. Cant remember exactly but i think jokers are involved, theyre the bombs. The landlord i think has one card than the others but the other two players try and gang up on the landlord and try and make him lose, with tactical placing of trips, quads etc.

Havent played it in a while so glad if any other bros can elaborate.
bethpageblack (itchy)
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Post at 18-8-2010 23:12  Profile P.M. 
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I forgot to mention.

forgot to add - if someone calls a hand with a one (big red dot) in liar's poker (the bullshit game), it's no longer wild.  And 1s are higher than 6s.  I just know if you are playing one on one and call something with a 1 in the middle of the bullshitting, it usually messes up your opponent.  Just majke sure you don't call somethinbg stupid like 5 1s playing with 2 people.

You should also lose a couple times to gauge what they do.  Sometimes the gal if they lose will just shake their dice bcz they don't want to know what they have - so lose a couple times to see their hands..  it helps in the overall scheme of things, and will make you a better player.
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Post at 19-8-2010 11:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 bethpageblack's post

Thanks bro!

There were a couple of times I couldnt roll at least a pair in the bullshit game for 3 consecutive rolls and the girls made me down a full glass of whiskey!
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Post at 19-8-2010 11:26  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by JckJr at 19-8-2010 11:15 AM
Thanks bro!

There were a couple of times I couldnt roll at least a pair in the bullshit game for 3 consecutive rolls and the girls made me down a full glass of whiskey!

Mei wenti..  

With a lot of players, sometimes I want to roll a 9.  I just say I'm kou ke.  It gets boring when you just watch others drink.  Gotta participate!

Some gals just love to play those dice games - I find them kind of boring at the KTV.  When you go out with civis, OTOH, it's a whole different story.  Much different.
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Post at 19-8-2010 11:29  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by JckJr at 18-8-2010 21:55
the basic dice game, the one where you mindlessly shout out "five 5s" or "six 6s" but can never figure out the rules.

Found the following explanation to "lying dice" - dai wah sik from elsewhere, which was useful as I have yet to play it at all.

The game allows for any amount of player, as long as you have enough cups and dices. Each player is given a cup, and often 5 dies. Everyone then shakes their respective cup and then look at their own dices.

Now the first player is allowed to say (insert number of die here) (insert the number here). However, the number of die he/she is allowed to call has a minimum that depend on the number of players (and this tends to vary depending on who you play with). So for the sake of explanation, lets just say the first player saids "seven 5s". Now other players are allowed to either call "Bluff/liar or any variant of implying that the person is lying". If someone calls that out, then everyone shows their own die and count the number of 5s there are. If the number of (in this case) 5s is equal or exceeds 7, then the person who calls the bluff has to drink. If there's less than 7, then the liar (or, in this instance, player 1) has to drink.

If no one calls bluff, player 2 continues. However, player two cannot say something like "six 4s"; one of the two numbers must be bigger than the previous player, so he/she has to either say "eight 4s" or "six 6s", or any combination of number that atleast has one of the two numbers bigger than the previous player (or else everyone will just keep on saying "one 1" or something like that, and the game will last forever).

Furthermore, 1s are considered "wild numbers", must like jokers in a game of cards. That means ones count as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 at the same time. But then also note that if someone calls on 1, then 1 becomes 1 and is no longer a "wild number".

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Post at 19-8-2010 13:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 bethpageblack's post

You know these 2 games?

1) Cocks fight!!
2) Cocks blocking!!


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JckJr   19-8-2010 14:07  Acceptance  +1   how to play??

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9

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Post at 19-8-2010 13:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 hunter's post

I know both games, never tried.  

Jiebon's going to know all about cockblocking for the next month.
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Post at 19-8-2010 16:46  Profile P.M. 
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I suck at drinking games too and I don't drink much to begin with. I normally as the girls I pick to drink for me or else I will end up too messed up to take one for overnight and they normally don't have a problem with that
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Post at 19-8-2010 18:03  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hkjiggy at 18-8-2010 23:02
hey bro i hear ya...im shit at these games too!

The liar game is as bro bethpageblack says, the way we play the one is if anything other than one is called then one is wild. But if someone calls ones ...

I've busted a few KTV gals cheating at the game. Many times the tables have some sort of reflection at the bottom and they would move the cup over to the area of reflection. Keep an eye out.
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Post at 19-8-2010 19:48  Profile P.M. 
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The drinking game is quite simple.  The explanation given is mostly correct, although it leaves out a couple of rules.

1.Firstly, you prepare your dice

Make sure you have exactly 5 dice in the cup, shake it (or any kind of motion), and then lift the cup up so only you can see the dice.

2. Make sure you know what you have

Each die is worth exactly what you see, except that the 1 can be used as any number (wild).  The 1 remains wild throughout the game, except when it is "bid" (more on that later).  For the vast majority of games, this does not happen very frequently, so MOST of the time, 1 is wild.

3. Generally the person who lost the last time must open with a bid (for the purpose of this explanation, let's assume you lost last game)

Your 5 dice are as follows:

(2) (2) (4) (1) (6)

There are a total of 4 players (including yourself) so you know that there are a total of 20 (4x5dice) in play, of which 15 dice you can't see.

Considering that you have (2) (2) (1), you have "three - twos", with the (1) acting as a wildcard.  You decide to bid "EIGHT-(2)", which basically means you are declaring that of the 20 dice in play, at least 8/20 are (2)s.  Please note, there is no penalty for lying as long as you don't get caught.

4. The person who bid (you in this case) decides whether the bidding will now go clockwise or counterclockwise.

Generally, this goes counterclockwise if not declared but if there is a rule about this, I don't know it.  The original bidder can always dictate the direction once after the opening bid, after which it cannot be changed.  In this case, you decide it will be clockwise, which remains this direction until somebody loses.

5. The person whose turn it is now has the option to either enter his own bid that is bigger than yours, or whether to call you a liar

For clarity, subsequent bids must be greater than the last bid.  Greater than your bid of "EIGHT-(2)" would be:


or even EIGHT-(3)s.

Note: SEVEN-(6)s is not bigger than the original bid in this case.  

The rule can be stated simply as, "Subsequent bids must have a FIRST number that is equal to or greater than the last bid, in the case whether the subsequent bid's FIRST number is equal to the last bid, the SECOND number (denoting what is shown on the die) must be greater than in the original bid.

Note: (1)s are greater than all other numbers shown on the die, including (6)s.
IE: EIGHT-(6)s  is < less than EIGHT-(1)s

Although it does not happen frequently, a player may bid (1)s.  He may call out EIGHT-(1)s.  This has the immediate effect of rendering all (1)s non-wild for the duration of that round of play.  This has a dramatic effect on the game, as removing the wild card dice generally reduces how much the next person(s) can bid.  This is an advanced bid that can be hard to use properly, so I'd advise avoiding it until you get the hang of the game.

6. The round of bidding continues in the clockwise direction until somebody is declared a liar.

The bids will increasingly grow larger until somebody is forced to call somebody else a liar.  You should note that ANYBODY at ANY TIME, may call somebody a liar.  It does not need to be your turn to bid to call a liar of somebody.  

Also, you can call MULTIPLE people liars in succession.  

IE: You bid EIGHT-(2)s, the next person bid NINE-(4)s, the third guy bid ELEVEN-(6)s, and the next guy is thinking what to bid, you can simultaneously call the second and third bidders liars.

7. The dice are examined to determine the loser(s)

The cups are removed and the dice are are counted to see how many of each number exists.  Of the twenty dice in play, let's assume the following are showing face-up:

SIX-(2)s, FOUR-(3)s, THREE-(1)s, FIVE-(5s), and TWO-(6)s for a total of twenty dice exposed.

You called both of them liars, so let's see are there NINE-(4)s and ELEVEN-(6)s?

There are a total of only THREE-(4)s composed of the THREE-(1)s wildcards, so that bidder loses and must drink

There are a total of only FIVE-(6)s composed of the THREE-(1)s wildcards plus the TWO-(6)s, so that bidder also loses and must drink.

However, if there were NINE-(4)s, the one calling LIE must drink.  If there were ELEVEN-(6)s, the one calling LIE must drink again.  You can end up on the hook for as many drinks as liars you call.  So if you call liar on two people or more simultaneously, you must be prepared to drink one drink for each one that you were wrong in calling a liar. If you expose them as liars, they must drink one each.

8. Start all over, with the loser of this round opening the original bid to start.


1. Lying, especially in early rounds is useful for disguising your true dice.  If you have ZERO-(4)s, you may consider pretending as if you have many, and then switching your bid in later rounds.

2. Don't bid (1)s until you know what you are doing.  Advanced play requires advanced skill.

3. Gauge how much you can bid based on the amount of players in the game, and what they have previously bid.  One of the biggest ways to play wrong here is always increasing the bid by the barest increments, this is wrong play.  The correct play is to bid as close to the edge as possible, forcing the next player to bid a number that somebody will call a liar.

4. Call liar on people out-of-turn when you notice that it will be impossibly high when your turn to bid comes.  You should do this sparingly, as you don't want to be wrong and lose all the time.  However, it is better to gamble when you have a chance to win, rather than wait for your turn and be unable to offer a realistic bid.  This is also related to tip 3.

5. This ia Liar's dice, so people lie nonstop.  The more advanced players are generally lying from the first bid, and switch back and forth to confuse you.

As in advanced poker, this game is not really about your dice, but about what other people think you may have.

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JckJr   19-8-2010 20:31  Acceptance  +5   super details!
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Post at 19-8-2010 23:50  Profile P.M. 
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Found this great explanation

Dou Dizhu

Fight the Landlord (Dou Di Zhu) is a climbing game primarily for three players, but also playable by four. In each hand one player, the "landlord", plays alone and the others form a team. The landlord's aim is to be the first to play out all his cards in valid combinations, and the team wins if any one of them manages to play all their cards before the landlord. The game is said to have originated in Hubei province but is now popular all over China, and is also extensively played on line.

Players, Cards and Deal
This game uses a 54-card pack including two jokers, red and black. The cards rank from high to low: red joker, black joker, 2, A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3.
Suits are irrelevant.

As in most Chinese games the cards are not really dealt, but taken from the deck by the players. One of the players shuffles the cards, gives them to the player to his left to cut, and stacks them face down in the middle of the playing surface. One card is turned face up and inserted somewhere near the middle of the stack - this will determine who starts the auction. The dealer then draws the top card from the deck, looking at it but not showing it to the other players. The player to his right does the same, then the third player, then the dealer and so on counter-clockwise around the table until each player has 17 cards. The last three cards are left face down on the table until after the auction. It saves time if you look at your cards and sort them as you pick them up.

There is an auction to determine which player will be the landlord, and play alone against the other two. The possible bids are 1, 2 and 3. The player who drew the face up card in the "deal" is the first to bid. Each player in turn may either pass or bid higher than the highest bid so far. If everyone passes the hand is thrown in and there is a new deal. If there is a bid, the bidding continues counter-clockwise, each player passing or bidding higher than the previous bidder, until there are two consecutive players pass or someone bids 3, which ends the auction since it is the highest possible bid. The final and highest bidder is the landlord. This player now picks up the three face-down cards from the middle, for a total of 20 cards.

The landlord plays first, and may play a single card or any legal combination. Each subsequent player in anticlockwise order must either pass (play no card) or beat the previous play by playing a higher combination of the same number of cards and same type. There are just two exceptions to this: a rocket can beat any combination, and a bomb can beat any combination except a higher bomb or rocket - see definitions below. The play continues around the table for as many circuits as necessary until two consecutive players pass. The played cards are then turned face down and put aside, and the person who played the last card(s) begins again, leading any card or legal combination.

In this game, there are thirteen types of combination that can be played:
Single card - ranking from three (low) up to red joker (high) as explained above
Pair - two cards of the same rank, from three (low) up to two (high)
Triplet - three cards of the same rank
Triplet with an attached card - a triplet with any single card added, for example 6-6-6-8. These rank according to the rank of the triplet - so for example 9-9-9-3 beats 8-8-8-A.
Triplet with an attached pair - a triplet with a pair added, like a full house in poker, the ranking being determined by the rank of the triplet - for example Q-Q-Q-6-6 beats 10-10-10-K-K.
Sequence - at least five cards of consecutive rank, from 3 up to ace - for example 8-9-10-J-Q. Twos and jokers cannot be used.
Sequence of pairs - at least three pairs of consecutive ranks, from 3 up to ace. Twos and jokers cannot be used. For example 10-10-J-J-Q-Q-K-K.
Sequence of triplets - at least two triplets of consecutive ranks from three up to ace. For example 4-4-4-5-5-5.
Sequence of triplets with attached cards - an extra card is added to each triplet. For example 7-7-7-8-8-8-3-6. The attached cards must be different from all the triplets and from each other. Although triplets of twos cannot be included, a two or a joker or one of each can be attached, but not both jokers.
Sequence of triplets with attached pairs - an extra pair is attached to each triplet. Only the triplets have to be in sequence - for example 8-8-8-9-9-9-4-4-J-J. The pairs must be different in rank from each other and from all the triplets. Although triplets of twos cannot be included, twos can be attached. Note that attached single cards and attached pairs cannot be mixed - for example 3-3-3-4-4-4-6-7-7 is not valid.
Bomb - four cards of the same rank. A bomb can beat everything except a rocket, and a higher ranked bomb can beat a lower ranked one.
Rocket - a pair of jokers. It is the highest combination and beats everything else, including bombs.
Quadplex set - there are two types: a quad with two single cards of different ranks attached, such as 6-6-6-6-8-9, or a quad with two pairs of different ranks attached, such as J-J-J-J-9-9-Q-Q. Twos and jokers can be attached, but you cannot use both jokers in one quadplex set. Quadplex sets are ranked according to the rank of the quad. Note that a quadplex set can only beat a lower quadplex set of the same type, and cannot beat any other type of combination. Also a quadplex set can be beaten by a bomb made of lower ranked cards.

Note that passing does not prevent you from playing on a future turn.

Example Player A (the landlord) leads 3-3-3-9 to get rid of some low cards, player B passes, player C plays 5-5-5-7, player A plays K-K-K-J and player B plays A-A-A-3. C and A pass, so B can start again with anything. He leads a single 4.

Note B could have played his aces on his the first turn, but preferred to pass to give his partner a chance to get rid of some cards. C will now play if possible, so as not to give the landlord (A) a free chance to lead again. Having beaten A's second play, B leads a low card to give C the choice of playing another unwanted card or putting the landlord under pressure by playing a high card.

If the landlord runs out of cards first he has won, and each opponent pays him the amount of the bid - 1, 2 or 3 units - provided that no bomb or rocket was played. If one of the other two players runs out before the landlord, the landlord loses and must pay the amount of the bid to each opponent. For each occasion when any player played a bomb or rocket, the payment for the hand is doubled. So for example in a hand in which two bombs and a rocket were played, a player who bid 3 will win 24 points from each opponent for going out first, or pay 24 to each opponent if another player goes out first.

Note that since the opponents of the landlord stand to win or lose equally, they form a temporary partnership. When playing against the landlord it is just as profitable to help your partner to run out of cards first as to win yourself. Because of this the partners will usually not beat each other’s cards, and the weaker partner will play to help the stronger partner.

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