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Post at 12-8-2010 10:31  Profile P.M. 
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WG Treatment

I've been reading some of these reviews, especially in the HK section, and I see a tendency of some of you guys to treat these gals (especially HGs) extremely well.  My question is, why?  I find it very interesting why these gals are treated so well.  Is it because:

a) they make you feel like a million bucks;
b) compensatory behavior (for whatever reason);
c) post-coitus intimacy;
d) you want them to remember you;

If I left any out, please offer your opinion.  After a couple responses, I will opine on this.
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Post at 12-8-2010 10:42  Profile P.M. 
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For me, none of the above. I treat all girls well, and do not consider WG's to be any different. They deserve the same good treatment as everybody else.
DArtagnan (unofficial Mayor of the Forum)
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Post at 12-8-2010 10:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bethpageblack's post

The Golden Rule


Treat others as you would have them treat you.  

Everything else on your list follows - good relationships, reciprocal behaviour, good karma, self-respect, reincarnation as a higher being, etc. etc.  

I think you're over-complicating something that's actually very simple.  Can't wait to hear YOUR opinion now!  

Why do you think WE treat girls "extremely well" - implying that in your opinion what we do is a) out of the ordinary b) unexpected and c) unreasonable or even unjustified???  Your turn ...

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sirtiger   14-8-2010 03:24  Acceptance  +1   I agree

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 12-8-2010 10:56  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by DArtagnan at 12-8-2010 10:48 AM
Can't wait to hear YOUR opinion now! ..

In due course, but I think that I can now say with affinity that we are not going to see eye to eye on this.

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DArtagnan   12-8-2010 14:38  Acceptance  +1   You're very perceptive!!
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Post at 12-8-2010 10:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bethpageblack's post

A level of courtesy and consideration is something that I try to extend to every other person.  Although the WGs are working in an area that cuts across a number of 'sacred' boundaries, I still think that I should conduct myself in a dignified way and allow the WG to respond that is appropriate to the contact and arrangement.
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Post at 12-8-2010 11:12  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 12-8-2010 10:56
In due course, but I think that I can now say with affinity that we are not going to see eye to eye on this.

Are you suggesting we should treat WGs badly then? They work a lot harder for the money than many of us and we should pay them some respect and make their life easier.
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Post at 12-8-2010 11:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 geoduck's post

No, not at all.  Not what I am implying at all.  That said, I don't think treating a WG better, or equal to, a girlfriend or wife is fair, either.
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Post at 12-8-2010 11:26  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 12-8-2010 11:24
No, not at all.  Not what I am implying at all.  That said, I don't think treating a WG better, or equal to, a girlfriend or wife is fair, either.

Think it is easier to treat a WG very nicely for just one or two hours. To treat a wife very nice for the rest of your life, now, that's a tough one.

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DaBestHK   13-8-2010 07:59  Acceptance  +2   hit the nail on the head!
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Post at 12-8-2010 11:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 geoduck's post

You are obviously correct in that respect.  

I will wait for a few more responses before I opine.  Keep them coming guys, good stuff.
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Post at 12-8-2010 11:38  Profile P.M. 
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Treat all people equally. Your SO is just as human as a WG, so why the difference?

Or did we misunderstand you and you mean to say that we shouldn't treat WG so nicely by buying them gifts, taking them for dinner, etc?

I hope you don't mean that would should be slapping them around, cursing at them, and stuff like that.....
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Post at 12-8-2010 11:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bethpageblack's post

Interesting topic which i wanted to raise long time back.

All the above 4 points are valid to punters in general, whether we admit it or not.

I dont think the poster is advocating treating a WG bad but he is just trying to get opinions on why some punters treat the gals so well, and possibly some who are not able to distinguish affection and passion from a civi gal versus a WG.
And why some punters can go from head to toes for a WG and especially in circumstances where the WG telling sobbing stories, the punters can melt down easily on their bended knees. Believing a WG easily without a sense of skeptical instinct.

So why punters behave as such, yet they know this WG is just a provider who service man for their living.  Hence, the points above are raised by the OP.

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Post at 12-8-2010 11:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 bonkers89's post

Why would I tell you guys to slap WGs?  C'mon.

Your second sentence is more apropo to the discussion.  Showering with gifts, dinner, etc.
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Post at 12-8-2010 11:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 hunter's post

Think most punters, particularly ones that have not visited many WGs, harbor fantasies about the girl. They would rather believe they are sleeping with someone decent instead of a WG that receives 10 customers a day. Also, if they can connect with the girl that gives them a bit of extra attention, they sink because they no longer get this connection with their SO. For many punters, they live out this fantasy for the duration they spend with the WG while for others, they can't get this out of their head which usually leads to a disastrous path.
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Post at 12-8-2010 11:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 geoduck's post


Reality Vs Fantasy!!
Punters are suckas when it comes to reality.

I like to hear more from regular HG HK punters.
More local dramas to share.

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Post at 12-8-2010 11:59  Profile P.M. 
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I always treat WG very nice. It is not easy for them to come here to meet many so many unknow people everyday already. besides, we can help to build a good image of HK guys to them.
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Post at 12-8-2010 12:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 haroldla's post


As if the WG comes to Hong kong wanna fuck HK guys like us because we have good image??

They just want your $700 and $800 fast food 5 minutes lousy pop.

Join the reality bro!!

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Post at 12-8-2010 12:07  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by haroldla at 12-8-2010 11:59 AM
besides, we can help to build a good image of HK guys to them.

Can you send me some Hong Kong Tourism Board brochures? I also need some I The Peak T-shirts.
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Post at 12-8-2010 12:08  Profile P.M. 
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Similar to my kissing poll where I voiced my opinion which was different from most bros.

I personally do not treat WGs equal to a GF or if I had a wife in the future.

I don't go out of my way to treat them horrible like they are just pieces of meat but at the same time I don't respect them in the same manners I would a person who has not chosen to go into this of work.

Also I strongly disagree with the fact that they work harder than your average civilian, the main reason they are in the business in the first place is that it's a very highly paid and easy job compared to what they would have to do otherwise for the same kind of salary.

Yes it's tiring and very physical work but it is definitely not a hard job.

I treat them for what they are, a $xxx amount of a good time and I take pleasure in doing what I wish and how I want during that time.

I won't go too far in terms of trying to cause them pain and suffering but at the same time I can't treat my gf the same as I would treat a WG.

To me the main thing is for me to be satisfied and I'm paying for a service to accomplish that. There's times when I feel there's chemistry with a WG which is really nothing more than lust and infatuation I would take them out as if they were a non-WG but at the end of the night it's all about the sex and what they can offer me with their bodies.

and for OP's 4 points to why, I don't feel any of those 4 honestly nor do I feel in need of them.

I'm simply feeding my appetite for fun casual sex where I'm able to get what I want and how I want without any fuss and the effort required to accomplish that.

[ Last edited by  shipit at 11-8-2010 20:10 ]
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Post at 12-8-2010 14:07  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 12-8-2010 11:45
Interesting topic which i wanted to raise long time back.

All the above 4 points are valid to punters in general, whether we admit it or not.

I dont think the poster is advocating treating a WG bad  ...

Agree with this.. I've heard the sob stories before and I have to admit it usually coaxes a bit extra out of me just because you leave feeling like you've connected in some way although you're just 'business'.  I don't see a need for a guy to go out of his way to show disrespect though
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Post at 12-8-2010 14:47  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bethpageblack at 12-8-2010 11:24
... Not what I am implying at all ...

maybe not intentionally ... but inadvertently your question is implying that treating a WG well has to have some underlying intent to reward or manipulate ...

I don't think treating a WG better, or equal to, a girlfriend or wife is fair, either.

and definitely revealing your preconceptions!!  

You and I totally agree (can't believe I just said that! ) it would be unfair to treat our partners according to different standards

But who says 'we' don't treat our wives and girlfriends well too?  Your question shows your underlying assumption ... which comes from ... ???

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!

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