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Post at 24-8-2010 22:14  Profile P.M. 
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Nice website

Just a quick note to thank the webmaster for making this site, it's been fantastic for info and pics.

There is a similar version we have here in the UK (don't know if i am allowed to post links here but PM me if you want it) but without the forum/community bit function.

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Post at 24-8-2010 22:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 mmmfishpaste's post

What's the similar version in the UK bro....

RICO is based in the UK...
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Post at 24-8-2010 22:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 mmmfishpaste's post

Welcome to the forum !

you are free to post that link here
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Post at 24-8-2010 23:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 mmmfishpaste's post

yeah like bro rico, i'd like to know too! I was based in the uk for a good 17 years! Only ever come across escort agency sites.

Hope you're not referring to AFF or sexsearch...
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Post at 25-8-2010 00:15  Profile P.M. 
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Post at 25-8-2010 01:41  Profile P.M. 
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Punterlink is a sex forum based in the Preston area..( Lancashire i think...)  There is also a Northwest based forum which i am also aware of....

RICO is a member of a couple of sex forums in the UK but am still at a newbie status....( Can't be arse participating....Fagging boring...) The forums in the UK are not that well thought out like the Sex 141 forum....

The only " PLUS SIDE" to those UK based forums are that working girls are members as well therefore sometimes list special offers now and again...

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Post at 25-8-2010 03:30  Profile P.M. 
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I am still a member of captain 69 but the site is going down since years and is not nearly as mch fun as this one. Which one do you, Rico, use?
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Post at 25-8-2010 04:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 dbg00's post

Well one of the forums that i am a member of is the "LBB" Forum...( Little black book)...I keep forgeting my password therefore keep rejoining...I am just a lurker there and have no desire to participate whatsoever.....

I remember the first time i joined...RICO was hammering the jokes section... ( No karmas were awarded for post in the jokes section then...) But i am glad that i decided to participate and contribute in this forum...I have met quite a few descent guys on this forum...( Dare i say mates..)....
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Post at 25-8-2010 08:58  Profile P.M. 
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great thank you for you share !

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Post at 25-8-2010 12:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 Rico's post

thanks. It is too Manchester focused for me unfortunately to be of any use.
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Post at 28-8-2010 04:40  Profile P.M. 
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thanks for sharing,but too expensive to call a girl in Uk,any other cheaper way to find a girl in UK?
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Post at 28-8-2010 05:20  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by kingsley333 at 28-8-2010 04:40
thanks for sharing,but too expensive to call a girl in Uk,any other cheaper way to find a girl in UK?

Don't do outcalls and instead go to massage parlors.....There are loads of massage parlors based in the uk....ranging from 40 pounds to fifty pounds for an half hour service....

In Manchester there is a massage parlor which charges only 35 pounds for half an hour with the lassie and most parlors have a 45 minute service with two pops if required...

RICO used to frequent these establishments until my brother in law arrived in the UK and also started hitting these locations....

It's a good job that RICO kepted his punting secret otherwise i would be in a " FUCKING " nightmare senerio now...." I FIRED HIS ARSE AND REVOLVED HIS WORK PERMIT"... The " FUCKING" lowlife motherfucker...

I will start a thread in the chat section under an appropiate title when i have calmed down a bit...

There is also a bar in the outskirts of Liverpool which opens at 11pm till 3pm where you can get an overnighter for 40 pounds....( SLAPPERS)...
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Post at 28-8-2010 11:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 kingsley333's post

Not too sure about that..

You can search in AW by price - I just turned up 245 girls in the UK offering 1 hour for less than 60 pounds!

Of course, quality and service may be an issue, but that goes for the 300 pound girls too.
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Post at 28-8-2010 22:14  Profile P.M. 
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As what lister said, AW

Been using that but still window shopping really. I havent had much punting experience, only had a couple of WG in Czech Rep and that was underwhelming
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Post at 29-8-2010 13:11  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by mmmfishpaste at 28-8-2010 22:14
As what lister said, AW

Been using that but still window shopping really. I havent had much punting experience, only had a couple of WG in Czech Rep and that was underwhelming : ...

Adultwork is increasingly global, and I used it a lot in the UK. I was a prolific member of forum and field reports in the UK, and they had a big problem with AW fake reports.

Interestingly enough; the AW people who own it make a stack of cash. When the girls accept bookings through the system, AW charge them 20-30 quick. I was with one girl who showed me the cheques she was sending to them - literally 500-600 a month. Multiply that by the2000+ chicks working on there.... even if only 10 percent of them are paying their subs, they are making a shit load.

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Post at 30-8-2010 00:15  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by akka at 29-8-2010 13:11
the AW people who own it make a stack of cash ...

Plus the fees they place for girls to put more detail in their ads... like thier phone numbers - they obviously want bookings to go through their website. They are almost like the adult version of Ebay - the more info the girls put on their ads, the more it costs!

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