Subject: Sorry - gotta complain! ForCrissakes - downsize your pixs!!
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SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 15-8-2010 12:00  Profile P.M. 
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Sorry - gotta complain! ForCrissakes - downsize your pixs!!

Sorry - gotta rant here!!

But of late I've noticed more and more guys posting up pictures....WITHOUT FIRST DOWNSIZING THEM.

When I click on one of these threads with super-sized photos, it takes FOREVER to get the page up - and it's worse when I'm in China and need to use a VPN/proxy - the thread just don't come up!

There ARE instructions on the posting page to downsize pixs, and pictures do NOT come up any clearer if one doesn't first downsize it;
it just comes up S...L....O...W!!!

So guys - howzabout it - do your bros a favor and first downsize your pixs before posting 'em up??



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atomic3d   15-8-2010 13:55  Acceptance  +1   Difficult for those using proxies.
Mister   15-8-2010 13:38  Acceptance  +2   Agree, slows down page loading :(
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Post at 15-8-2010 13:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 SEAJ's post

Perhaps these guys don't have the ability to downsize. I always downsize my pics. to about 400-500 mb. before uploading them on to reports.

I have noticed a few reports were they go to the other extreme and post what I would regard as thumbnails
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Post at 15-8-2010 15:17  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by atomic3d at 15-8-2010 13:54
Perhaps these guys don't have the ability to downsize. I always downsize my pics. to about 400-500 mb. before uploading them on to reports.


is this a typo bro? 400-500 MB?
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Post at 15-8-2010 15:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 atomic3d's post

Yes - mebbe so - although I believe that most picture viewer programs these days do have downsizing as part of the "edit" functions.

Anyway - here's a list of web based reducing programs:


Believe that these will do the job

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Post at 15-8-2010 15:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 DaBestHK's post

Even 400-500kb is huge, I compress my pics to 50kb.
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Post at 15-8-2010 18:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 ypmypm's post

Yes - even at 50 or 60 Kb, the picture already covers the whole page.  Anything above, you get those pictures opening up double/triple page- which of course gets downsized back to one page anyway!

So it becomes a total waste of bandwidth for everybody.

Just my plea to you guys - as I DO enjoy looking at the pixs... but hate it when it's so hard to open a page!

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Post at 15-8-2010 19:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 SEAJ's post

Sorry that should have read 400-500 kb, this enables me to upload 2 photos at a time as there is a 1mb limit on uploads.

I notice that if I go back and have a look at one of my old reports the photos have been further reduced to around 120kb, so I assume there is an automatic reduction made by the site when you upload photos.

I still don't understand how people can get huge kb photos onto the site.

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SEAJ   16-8-2010 12:46  Acceptance  +2   GTEE u ur pix will still be great at 60K
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Post at 15-8-2010 20:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 atomic3d's post

May I suggest you look at other posters' pictures?  
Even as low as 30 KB actually produces VERY ACCEPTABLE PICTURE QUALITY - for after all, nobody is gonna make prints out of the pictures.  

At 400-500 KB, I think (Not sure of course) that you'd be able to print out poster sized pictures!!  (sorry - just being facetious probably!!).  All it does is slowing down opening the page.

And it'd certainly allow you to post as many pixs a day without exceeding the forum limits - and of course make it easier for us poor guys with slow lines/computers!  And hey - in china - forget it - one just cannot open those threads with huge pictures via a VPN/proxy.

And as far as the program here automatically down-sizing huge pictures - you're probably correct - for when I open those pages with hi-fi Pixs, it always open it up once (full size probably) and then flash and open it up again to fit the page.


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Post at 15-8-2010 20:46  Profile P.M. 
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my 2 cents...

since i upload lots of pics daily in WG Uncovered and have to resize most of them... ideal size is between 100-150 kb... it wont slow down the page, and it is big enough to see the details
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Post at 15-8-2010 21:14  Profile P.M. 
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SEAJ   15-8-2010 21:24  Acceptance  +2   We should make it a RULE! LOL!!

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Post at 15-8-2010 21:26  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by DaBestHK at 15-8-2010 20:46
my 2 cents...

since i upload lots of pics daily in WG Uncovered and have to resize most of them... ideal size is between 100-150 kb... it wont slow down the page, and it is big enough to see the details ...

Guys.... Listen to a guy who'd already posted a TON of pictures here!!

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Post at 15-8-2010 23:55  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by SEAJ at 15-8-2010 18:00
Yes - even at 50 or 60 Kb, the picture already covers the whole page.  Anything above, you get those pictures opening up double/triple page- which of course gets downsized back to one page anyway!

This got me intrigued on what kind of screen resolution your computer is running? Sounds like you might have a very low resolution, and could consider upgrading to meet Internet standards.

Currently as of January 2010, the lowest screen resolution in wide use is 1024x768 pixels, and 76% computers are using a higher resolution than that. 4% have a lower resolution than 1024. I work in web development, and the 1024x768 is nowadays the lowest resolution that web experiences are designed for.

[ Last edited by  SkinnyForum at 16-8-2010 00:01 ]
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Post at 16-8-2010 10:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 SEAJ's post

I just use Microsoft Paint. It comes standard on Windows. No extra program required. See pics.



To be honest I'd never thought of this - I've been using my posting limit as a guide as to how much I should post!

What about the number of pics? Surely 20 small pics would be as bad as 3 huge ones?

I will be happy to comply with whatever makes it easier for all the bros here, but it would be a shame if that means the quality of reports suffers to do it.

EDIT: Just realised I have just posted pics in a thread about how slow threads with pics are!!!   Hope I haven't stuffed things up for you guys!!


[ Last edited by  twiceAweek at 20-8-2010 07:03 ]

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Post at 16-8-2010 10:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 SEAJ's post

For resizing pics on the Mac, just open up the original picture in Preview and go to File, Save As, select JPEG in the stroll down menu and you can use the slider to select the quality which would instantaneously show you the size of the new pic. Hope this works for Mac users here.

[ Last edited by  geoduck at 16-8-2010 10:49 ]
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Post at 16-8-2010 11:14  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by geoduck at 16-8-2010 10:43
For resizing pics on the Mac, just open up the original picture in Preview and go to File, Save As, select JPEG in the stroll down menu and you can use the slider to select the quality which would ins ...

i take a slightly different route. i go to Tools, then Adjust Size, then save file. same result though. i'll try your approach, might be faster
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Post at 16-8-2010 12:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 SkinnyForum's post

Actually I absolutely have no idea as to my computer/screen etc .  All I know is that my computer guy keeps it up and also update it all for me periodically;  thus I'm pretty certain that computer - at least my office one is "state of the art" and should not have any issues with resolution etc.

It's only these threads with the huge pictures that's causing the problems.  It just makes my screen flash several times (when I guess the computer/screen auto downsize it) as it would first appear as if its 5 etc screen wide, flash and it would then re-appear on one page.  Multiply this with the # of pictures and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

And all these fancy hi-resolution pictures taken by guys with  hi-end expensive cameras etc - Jeez - this is who I'm referring to - for your pictures would appear on our forum just as good if it was downsized to 50 or so Kb's.  TRUE!!!


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Post at 16-8-2010 12:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 lister01's post

Yes - I also use Paint - simple to use even for me the computer doofus!

Edit - PS. Actually it's when I'm at at my place in China, using a VPN that I get most problems with pulling a thread up.  Many times it just kills my connection/computer with all the "refresh" of the pictures. But even on my Hong Kong computer - ti is very irritating to have the computer "flash" as many times as it takes to auto-downsize the large original picture(S!!!).

[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 16-8-2010 12:43 ]
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Post at 16-8-2010 13:14  Profile P.M. 
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What do you guys think?

Should I at least "hint" to OP's who insist on still putting up their Studio Quality Hi-resolution pictures when posting?

I'd hate to upset/piss off anybody - since I DO enjoy looking at their pictures - and even reading their posts!  
It's just their habit of putting up these huge KB pictures that I'm having a problem with.

I am thinking that these OP's probably don't even realize that we are actually talking about him!!
Look at Atomic's post up here.  All in true innocence!!

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Post at 16-8-2010 13:49  Profile P.M. 
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Other than China viewing, it also helps a hell of a lot for those using GPRS.

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Post at 16-8-2010 13:52  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by CunningLinguist at 16-8-2010 13:49
Other than China viewing, it also helps a hell of a lot for those using GPRS.

or 3G for that matter... 3G is super fast when I'm in Singapore or HK, but is super slow when I'm in the Philippines or Indonesia.

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