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Post at 11-7-2010 13:39  Profile P.M. 
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Kunming raid.

Wow these raids are really widespread even a backwater city like Kunming is included in the crackdown. Looks like you got out of town just in time Geoduck.

Could one of the Chinese literate members have a look at the website for more details?

[ Last edited by  atomic3d at 11-7-2010 13:40 ]

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freepeaks   13-7-2010 02:11  Karma  +1   great heads up. Kunming is remote.. fea
freepeaks   13-7-2010 02:11  Acceptance  +5   great heads up. Kunming is remote.. fea
geoduck   11-7-2010 17:26  Acceptance  +6   It's consistent with what I've heard!
Weelock   11-7-2010 15:03  Acceptance  +1   Original
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Post at 11-7-2010 15:13  Profile P.M. 
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It seems like they raided a few places. From a translation in google, one place had strip dice.    I also found a video but I can't play it in my region for some reason.

Here is another source but to a different website. There are 8 pages. A few different pictures but most are the same as "atomic3d" link.

PAGE 1 of  8

组图:昆明警方夜间突击扫黄 抓获上百人

时间: 2010-07-10 14:16:06 来源: 中国网滨海高新   发表评论>>
关键词: 扫黄 抓获 警方 民警 小姐  
内容摘要: 昆明警方10家娱乐场扫黄 包房裸女吓得掉下床  “风情万种、鸳鸯戏水、情意绵绵……”这些引人遐想的词语,便是顾客要选择的色情项目;而按摩女技师的随身包包里,有着10余个避孕套。


昆明警方夜查娱乐场所 “扫黄”现场抓获小姐嫖客上百人


昆明警方夜查娱乐场所 “扫黄”现场抓获小姐嫖客上百人

  中国网・滨海高新讯 7月7日,昆明警方对6家顶风经营从事涉黄活动的娱乐场所进行了突击整治,抓获涉嫌卖淫嫖娼违法人员及陪侍人员上百人。警方表示,下一步将加大对“黄赌毒”等违法犯罪的整治力度,重点打击幕后组织者、操纵者及“保护伞”,对涉嫌违法经营的娱乐场所和人员将按照相关法规顶格严厉处罚。

  昆明警方10家娱乐场扫黄 包房裸女吓得掉下床









Page 2 of  8










  刘先生表示,基本上他去过的温泉会所内都或多或少有卖淫嫖娼的现象, “你进去之后,一般会有领班一级的管理人员来询问你是否做保健,当然了,经常去的人就知道,这个保健的含义是什么了。”如果顾客的确是要做正规的按摩保健服务,那么会所方面也有相应的专业人士为顾客服务,但如果顾客想要做的是“特殊保健”,一般就有“点钟”和“选钟”两种供人选择。“点钟”的含义是指定与自己相熟的女按摩技师前来服务,而“选钟”则由桑拿会所方面选派女按摩技师前来服务。“门一关上,谁都不知道里面发生了什么。”刘先生神秘地说。






to continue go to link for page 3 , 4,  5, 6, 7  and  8

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 11-7-2010 15:55 ]

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atomic3d   13-7-2010 05:30  Acceptance  +1   Favorable
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Post at 11-7-2010 17:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

Thanks atomic for the report. This looks scary for in the pictures the punters are being handcuffed as well.

Please see my comments in the Mongolian under attack thread ... amp;extra=page%3D1. The raids are ongoing and will affect all of China including DG. It's not a good time to go punting in China.
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Post at 11-7-2010 17:49  Profile P.M. 
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Great pics, such a waste of beautiful talent.
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Post at 11-7-2010 22:33  Profile P.M. 
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wait a minute... what calls for all these large-scale raids? seems as if this place is large enough that everyone should know where and what it is. why now?
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Post at 12-7-2010 01:22  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by chhsasa at 11-7-2010 22:33
wait a minute... what calls for all these large-scale raids? seems as if this place is large enough that everyone should know where and what it is. why now?

I have noticed you rose up the ranks fast.  I did a quick search and most of you posts are short irrelevant replies, be careful.

Anyway, if you have been reading some of the threads, it has been mentioned several times already.

It's for the following reasons.

1. About 1 year ago the Chinese gov't felt that their country doesn't need prostitution. They felt their country was in a much better economic situation than in the past.

2. A new head of Chief of Police in Beijing.  He is trying to stop corruptions in China.

3. The Olympics last year and now The Shanghai Expo.

4. Someone mentioned not enough protection money but I don't believe it's true when it includes people way up there in Beijing.

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 12-7-2010 04:52 ]
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Post at 13-7-2010 05:32  Profile P.M. 
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Harold Bell on ISG had this small piece of information to share as regards the expected timetable on the raids in Kunming.

So the nation-wide crackdown has reached even Kunming, huh? My Changchun pal's pal in the police said it would last till the end of October, there.
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Post at 13-7-2010 05:38  Profile P.M. 
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My personal take on the politics of this:

China has progressed rapidly on the world stage under President Hu, someone I actually consider to be a pretty darn good leader for the Chinese.  Part of his overall plan has been to open up china much more to the world (albeit in a chinese sort of a way).  The olympics, the Expo, etc are all things that have done to open up China to the world.

The Chinese government I think looks at prostitution in the same way it looks at pollution, a byproduct of rapid changes inside China.  In the same manner that China has worked hard to make the pollution appear less signficant during international events, I think they are doing the same with prostitution and other illicit business (such as pornography sales).

I also think that there is plenty of space inside the Chinese system for appropriate payments and bribes to get things done / look the other way.  I suspect that most of the KTVs and such have been paying locally on a small scale to get peace and quiet, with the locations often owned by police or their friends.  However, as this has become a national issue, I think that there are enough people NOT getting paid to look the other way, and the crunch comes down.

My personal feeling is that after a period of shakeup, some of these establishments will return, with more strict rules (like no strip dice, no actual nudity, potentially no sex inside the building), and with signfiicantly higher fees, most of which will go to paying off a higher, national level payment scheme.   

While few will admit it, the one child policies in China have made prostitution almost a requirement, as there are plenty of single men out there that will never be married.  Without some quasi-legal method for them to get out their sexual frustrations, things could get ugly.
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Post at 13-7-2010 05:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 CanuckGuy's post

Read this thread,. It seems like this new guy means business.  The crackdown is actually happening throughout China. ... &extra=page%3D1

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 13-7-2010 14:16 ]

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