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Post at 26-6-2010 17:37  Profile P.M. 
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Tiger Woods’ Divorce Is Ridiculous

Another example of the absurdity of the divorce industry in the U.S. There's not going to be any money left for the mistresses to fight over.

Tiger Woods’ Divorce Is Ridiculous
Tiger Woods Affair, WAG
June 25th. 2010, 6:20pm
Tiger Woods’ divorce is close to finished and will reportedly net Elin Nordegren $750,000,000. That’s seven-hundred-fifty-million dollars. Three quarters of a billion dollars. That is absolutely preposterous. I can’t imagine how mad Tiger is right now. I also can’t imagine how he allowed such a ridiculous settlement. How does this happen?
Tiger estimated worth is $900,000,000. So of the billion dollars he’s earned in his life, Elin gets three quarters of it because she was cheated on and embarrassed. Tiger should have had her arrested when she hit him with that golf club. Is there any hope she can have robbery charges pressed against her?
The rest of the settlement says that Tiger won’t be able to introduce the kids to any of his lady friends “unless he is married to said person.” Elin also won’t be allowed to write a book. I wonder how she’ll manage without that two million dollar book deal.
This woman is no longer a sympathetic figure. This is a travesty. And yeah, she gets the new $80 million Florida mansion. That would have been more than enough. At least then she’d have a big house to clean and raise the kids in. Since, you know, that’s her only skill in life see as how she was a freaking nanny. Seven-hundred-fifty million dollars and a mansion. Good grief.
Link here: ... orce-is-ridiculous/
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Post at 26-6-2010 17:50  Profile P.M. 
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I thought that she was under contract to stay with Tiger longer ?
doghead (dog)
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Post at 26-6-2010 18:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

In the US, the judges show no sympathy when the guys caught cheating on spouse as the US is a hypocritically moralistic country.  The judges will throw the book on a cheating guy.  

I think after this divorce, Tiger should move to Thailand.  I am sure Thailand would accept him as a returnee.  Place is perfect for him, sun, sand, women, golf and 150million goes a long way there...but then again Tiger loves white women and all the places with white women also have tough divorce laws.  A man trapped by his urges.  
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Post at 26-6-2010 18:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 doghead's post

maybe he should head to Eastern Europe instead for white women. i'm sure USD 150million goes a long way there
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Post at 26-6-2010 19:20  Profile P.M. 
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I am doubting this 750mil figure. And like whenever people mention how Tiger is worth 1 billion, I also doubt that because that figure is probably gross earnings over his life time. And of course there are taxes! Say a more conservative figure for Elin between like 200 to 400 million -- I am guessing it will be a significant lump sum payment in the beginning, then Tiger will pay some annuity to her and the kids for the next 20 or so years.

Hey what animal would Tiger Woods be?
Wait for it.....

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Post at 26-6-2010 22:46  Profile P.M. 
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Is there really a big difference between a couple hundred million and several hundred.  After awhile it just becomes a number. No person truly could spend that much noatter how hard they try.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 27-6-2010 00:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 DaBestHK's post

He should just hired someone and murder his wife before the contract is signed.

What kind of country is this? Dumb law and greedy woman.

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Post at 27-6-2010 01:03  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 27-6-2010 00:54
What kind of country is this?  

No place in the world like the US of A ... and anything goes there !!!  
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Post at 27-6-2010 01:42  Profile P.M. 
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I highly doubt that Tiger would go for such a ridiculous settlement.  He would probably fight it in the courts, if it were 750M.  I have a hard time believing he would give up over 75% of his wealth, knowing that he is no longer making the type of money he did prior to the incident.
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Post at 27-6-2010 06:30  Profile P.M. 
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ehm I think there is some kids involved? so around 250M for each family member?
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Post at 27-6-2010 09:18  Profile P.M. 
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Let's see if tiger can comeback and get all the endorsements. There are a ton of cases where guys get second and third chances. Remember when Brent misberger was caught with ladies panties on his head and accused of perverted behavior by an old igrilfried.  He announced NBA playoffs recently.
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Post at 27-6-2010 12:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 hunter's post

wow that's funny i was reading the post on here and was about to say the same thing. with all that money involved tiger should hire a hitman on her. that or plant some dirty fake evidence of her cheating also. poor tiger, all that pussy is going to cost him three quarters of his wealth... totally not worth it!
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Post at 27-6-2010 13:16  Profile P.M. 
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Whoa there fellas!  A lot depends on WHICH state they get divorced in.  In a no-fault state (like California) it's a simple division of assets,so the wifey gets half, plus alimony, plus child support etc. which will normally push her win to slightly more than half, but not to 3/4s.  If Tiger gets divorced in one of the southern states (not all, but most of them) then the judge gets to weigh who contributed the most to earnings and Tiger would certainly do better than half in that scenario (but would still have to pay out alimony and child support forever).

If the $750mm number is accurate then best guess is Tiger got sued for divorce in a no-fault state, and his assets are worth more than $1bn.  It could also be that Tiger is only worth the estimated $1 bn, Elin got $500mm plus lifetime payments and Tiger elected to give her a $250mm lump sum in place of the lifetime payments in order to be rid of her.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 27-6-2010 14:11  Profile P.M. 
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In a no-fault state it's supposed to be half the assets accrued over the course of the marriage, which would be considerably less than $500 million.

Mind you he did shoot himself in the foot by leaving the no cheating clause in the pre-nup.

[ Last edited by  atomic3d at 27-6-2010 15:48 ]
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Post at 27-6-2010 16:25  Profile P.M. 
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The 1 billion is probably lifetime earnings. I wonder how she's going to get the 750 million since he doesn't have that much right now. Is that going to have to be paid in installments over the course of his life? That would completely suck for Tiger. As a fellow monger you gotta feel bad for the guy.
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Post at 27-6-2010 16:58  Profile P.M. 
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Tiger went about this all wrong - I mean this is a guy who is so meticulous when it comes to his profession, about being physically and mentally prepared. But when it came down to marriage, he just fucked up and wasn't prepared. He's the one making the money and he's the one giving this kind of lifestyle to her yet he didn't spell it out to her before they got married:  "I love you and I want us to have a family but I also want you to accept me for who I am and that is I love to fuck other women."   If she would have said "no" then go find another blonde swede who wouldn't mind your escapades and get spoiled generously for marrying you and having a family and smiling for the camera.  He would have been mildly surprised to realize that there are many blonde swedes that can go for this just as long as you are honest and up front to them on what kind of relationship you want. And more importantly take care of them for that kind of "understanding" (wink wink).  Warren Buffet has a wife and a girlfriend and they don't seem to mind sharing because he was honest with both of them (not to mention the other perk$ that go with that kind of honesty). It doesn't matter if you are a man or woman, beling lied to and being deceived to is not a good feeling - no one ever wants to be made a fool of behind their back.  Also, the pre-nup could have been something like, $40M after 7 years of marriage, $10M for each child she bears if they ever divorce.  But getting fleeced more than that is his fault for not taking control in the beginning.  Don't get me wrong, I would hate it for a woman to try and take my money in a divorce, but I would have to stop and seriously look at myself - how did I get myself in this situation?  It was because I was lackadaisical and sloppy when I didn't need to be - YOU'RE THE MAN, only women and children can be allowed to be reckless - handle your business and just be up front with her on what you want: (1) I'm taking care of you; (2) I like fucking other women; (3) Even though I like fucking other women, I'm the only man for you because refer back to #1!    (4) If we ever divorce this is how much you will get, etc.  If she doesn't like it then move on - you'll eventually meet a woman who will do this for you.

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Post at 27-6-2010 18:52  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by silentxtc at 27-6-2010 16:58
(1) I'm taking care of you; (2) I like fucking other women; (3) Even though I like fucking other women, I'm the only man for you because refer back to #1!    (4) If we ever divorce this is how much you will get, etc.   ...

There's no way you could put this in a pre-nup and expect it to hold up in court and he would have been a fool to trust any woman to honour a verbal agreement.

The pre-nup stated she would get 20 million if they where divorced within 10 years of marriage. Problem was he broke the conditions of the pre-nup by breaking the no cheating clause.

[ Last edited by  atomic3d at 28-6-2010 13:04 ]
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Post at 28-6-2010 01:01  Profile P.M. 
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and here I was thinking HGs were expensive.
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Post at 28-6-2010 01:36  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by atomic3d at 27-6-2010 14:11
In a no-fault state it's supposed to be half the assets accrued over the course of the marriage, which would be considerably less than $500 million.

Mind you he did shoot himself in the foot by leav ...

Correct.  Forgot that detail.  It's half the assets, but just half the assets accrued over the life of the marriage.  However, if the 'pre-marriage' assets weren't properly segregated at the time of marriage then the accounting of what's "marriage assets" will tend in favor of the non-earning spouse.

For the poster who said it was 'half the lifetime earnings', I can't imagine that happening in any jurisdiction in the world.  That would bankrupt just about anyone except someone who started with a trust fund an lived solely off capital gains (so that assets would accumulate faster than earnings).  Otherwise I don't know any salarymen who have assets greater than their earnings to date.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 28-6-2010 12:43  Profile P.M. 
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Can you take the no cheating clause out of the pre-nup? Then silent would be right with being direct about fooling around.

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