Subject: Sarah Ferguson declined $3m sex with Saudi prince
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Post at 1-6-2010 09:17  Profile P.M. 
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Sarah Ferguson declined $3m sex with Saudi prince

THE Duchess of York's biographer, Alan Starkie, said she declined numerous offers of money over the year.
Sarah Ferguson, caught in a tabloid sting last week offering to sell access to ex-husband Prince Andrew for ₤500,000 ($850,000), even turned down a $US3 million ($3, 548,000) offer from a Saudi prince she called "Rubber Lips" who wanted to bed her, Starkie said.
"A blue jeans manufacturer offered a million pounds ($1.7 million) for the duchess to simply model a pair for publicity photos.
"A prominent American real estate developer promised her a free condominium on Central Park South ... in return for permission to mention that she was a tenant," said the author of Fergie: Her Secret Life.
"A West End (of London) theatre suggested that she portray the wild Queen Boadicea, who had opposed the Romans, opposite Peter O'Toole in a limited engagement for a quarter of a million pounds ($427,000).
"A clever East End businessman offered a pound per night ($1.70) for each occupant of his proposed Duchess of York Old Age Homes."
Nonetheless, "she insisted on hiring a retinue of servants that she felt was necessary to provide the right environment for her two daughters, who were, after all, princesses," he said.
When the British aristocrat's debts approached £3 million ($5.1 million), he "introduced her to a member of the Saudi royal family who was willing to pay it off completely.
"I arranged for Sarah to visit him ... He met her alone, clad in flowing robes and a lascivious grin ... When he tried to kiss her, she fled home and quickly called me, referring to the fellow dismissively as 'Rubber Lips', indicating that when those lips sprung forward and plastered themselves upon her mouth, 'it felt like extricating oneself from a suction cup' as she pulled free.
"Perhaps one does not think it is laudatory simply not to prostitute oneself, or to turn down offers that seem too pedestrian for royalty. But it remains that she did turn them down. She had limits," Starkie said.
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Post at 1-6-2010 10:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

Think it is just total BS that Fergie would reject US$3m from the Saudi prince. It's certainly more than what she can make from her book deal because she's no longer news worthy. Any woman who is in debt and rejects that amount is either stupid or is lying. She is not a virtuous woman, has been divorced from Prince Andrew a long time and her princess daughters are not in line for the throne so what's there to worry about.  The Duchess has already done silly, demeaning TV commercials in the US before so why is sleeping with an Arab prince one time so bad? It would have little impact on the Royal Family as the public know she's no good even before she got caught on tape extorting money from the reporter posing as a businessman. The British public are no longer easily shocked by what the Royals can be capable of especially after the antics of Princess Di.

[ Last edited by  geoduck at 1-6-2010 10:08 ]
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Post at 1-6-2010 12:01  Profile P.M. 
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I also would do the same thing as she did, I will reject $3M to sleep with any Saudi Prince , but I don't mind to sleep with her if she wanted to pay me for less than $3M
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 1-6-2010 14:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

she is whack and darn old....Saudi Prince must be blind...
Unless he was thinking to put her on with abaya and hijab when banging the old hag.

This news/gossip is disturbing and not entertaining at all....

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Post at 1-6-2010 14:15  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 1-6-2010 14:06
she is whack and darn old....Saudi Prince must be blind...
Unless he was thinking to put her on with abaya and hijab when banging the old hag.

This news/gossip is disturbing and not entertaining at all... ...

Your spin on it certainly makes it entertaining.
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Post at 1-6-2010 19:11  Profile P.M. 
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I think she should pay the Bro to sleep with her... she's not exactly "hot"...
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Post at 1-6-2010 22:15  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 1-6-2010 14:06
she is whack and darn old....Saudi Prince must be blind...
Unless he was thinking to put her on with abaya and hijab when banging the old hag.

This news/gossip is disturbing and no ...

my thoughts exactly

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