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Post at 17-5-2010 12:07  Profile P.M. 
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Post at 17-5-2010 12:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 atomic3d's post

Hey atomic, at least the article mentioned he never had sex with the girl because she was underaged. Also, she mentioned he had a sense of morality. For that, I should reinstate my old Avatar of the Dear Leader, Kim Jong-il.

[ Last edited by  geoduck at 17-5-2010 12:38 ]
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Post at 17-5-2010 13:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 geoduck's post

Yes, it's a pity his morality doesn't stretch to doing anything about the millions who perished in the last and no doubt next famine.
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Post at 18-5-2010 04:06  Profile P.M. 
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even though some north koreans accept this, its still abomination that there is a special group of people trained to pleasure him & govt officials at such a young age
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Post at 18-5-2010 16:06  Profile P.M. 
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Truly fascinating read...I've seen these pleasure troupes mentioned in documentaries in passing but this is definitely the most detailed account I've ever read. Thanks for sharing

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Post at 18-5-2010 19:30  Profile P.M. 
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Wow. had no idea. But i guess if you think about it. Being his age and his recent health problems that have surfaced. Kind of hard to believe that he could do anything if he wanted to. He'd probably pass out. The last pictures i've seen of him he's lost tons of weight. But good for him to at least having the decency to not touch her because she is underage.
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Post at 19-5-2010 03:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 darmour88's post

As you say in poor health, this may have more to do with his not bedding her. I suspect someone like this doesn't really understand the concept of decency.
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Post at 19-5-2010 16:42  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by atomic3d at 19-5-2010 03:38
As you say in poor health, this may have more to do with his not bedding her. I suspect someone like this doesn't really understand the concept of decency.

Even though she says nobody bedded her I wonder if someone (maybe not Kim Jong Il himself) bedded her. I could imagine she'd be too embarrassed to admit to the journalist. A lot of sexual abuse victims keep their feelings and stories pent up inside for years (sometimes forever).


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