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Post at 12-2-2010 04:19  Profile P.M. 
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If you become famous?

Is it still socially acceptable to go visit WGs in secret? , or do you risk being an Edisson Chan type and ostracised because of the harshness of the HK media  (if you get caught). i.e. Faye Wong being slammed by the HK media for emptying a bed pan in a Beijing Hutong.

I have made moves to become famous I may fail but I am already somewhat of a celebrity in Manchester. On TVB some girlie became famous for just going around on a backpacking trip, which is nothing special in the UK, I did something myself last year which may open doors to fame etc.

So as before is it still socially acceptable to go screw WGs? I mean that even if you do it in secret surely a this may put a WG in a position to blackmail you and thus destroy you  ?. I have a very distinctive face, in that due to the mixing of blood I don't actually look like any particular Asian group, sometimes people think I am Japanese, Mainlander, or Taiwanese, nobody in HK thinks I am a HK person, this is exacerbated by the hair style I have thus I risk being recognised easily.

or would it balance out in that a girl has to admit to the fact that she is a WG? , or is this old style thinking?.

In that Michelle appears to LIKE her job, Happy is completely indifferent and even refers to herself as chicken (other WGs call themselves siu geher), Yuki OTOH most definately does not like being a WG either. Added to the fact that EVERY WG I've encounted will remember you in intricate detail.

Would you still do it? , or would fame = free poon?

What are your thoughts guys?.

[ Last edited by  Kennichi at 11-2-2010 20:24 ]

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Post at 12-2-2010 05:20  Profile P.M. 
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I think famous people are forced to live differently than normal people.  The second you are famous everything you do is looked at.  I think it's difficult for most famous people to get away with WG because everybody knows them as they move about.

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Post at 12-2-2010 06:26  Profile P.M. 
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Simply I think famous people lives by different rules.  It simply the price of fame.  Heck even celebs male & female goes by separate set of rules.  Once you are famous, any poon can get you in trouble
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Post at 12-2-2010 06:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Kennichi's post

Fame totally sucks.  Better to be rich than famous.

It used to be that there was a lot of free, NSA poon in the circles of the famous and fortunate, however the universal urge to be a paparazzi or to sell one's story to the National Enquirer has meant that no one takes a secret to their grave anymore.  Paris Hilton popularized the notion of anything being acceptable (e.g. on camera BBBJs) if it secured one 15 minutes of fame.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
The Butler
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Post at 12-2-2010 06:36  Profile P.M. 
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^^there are people i know who are just plain attention whores.  fame is what drives them
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Post at 12-2-2010 07:17  Profile P.M. 
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Being famous definitely has its upside, but there are many things that you cannot do that regular people can do.  WG is a prime example.  Because your every move will be under public scrutiny, getting caught will take a big hit on your career or even destroy your career. The public has this type of thinking that famous people should be a role model for the younger generation that looks at their every move.  I personally am happy where I am and really dont care if I am famous or not.  I think I have more freedom if I was not famous.

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Kennichi   12-2-2010 07:52  Karma  +2   Interesting take on that
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Post at 12-2-2010 07:23  Profile P.M. 
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It does depend how famous you are... and if you're married or at least in a "public" relationship.  You can see Tiger Woods, perhaps one of the most recognisable people in the world, got away with it for a few years. I guess the amount of money you are prepared to throw at your girls will determine how prepared they are to keep their mouth shut. Where you will run into a problem, is when you stop seeing a girl and so her income stream from you ends and the magazine article and US$200,000.00 starts to look more interesting.

I think if you are really famous there are only 2 possibilities:

(1) where a disguise (growing a beard may be enough).
(2) play in places you are not well known.

Anything else will probably get you caught eventually... just ask Tiger.

On the other hand... if you're a single man...

[ Last edited by  TonyToro at 12-2-2010 07:25 ]

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TheButler   12-2-2010 07:37  Acceptance  +3   Tru dat.
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Post at 12-2-2010 08:20  Profile P.M. 
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It depends what kind of famous, and where.

Becoming famous as a heavy metal musician in the US is quite different from becoming famous as a children's television show host in HK.
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Post at 12-2-2010 10:00  Profile P.M. 
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Getting rich and getting famous are two separate issues.
I aim to be rich but not famous!
Like those hidden rich people with shitload of money, but no one actually knows.
I knew a few and this can happen, when you get too rich and too famous.
Your whole lifestyle and everything changes as you're being watched 24/7.
At least that's what it feels like in HK from what I see from the magazines.
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Post at 12-2-2010 11:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 Avatar's post

who cares about being famous? I could give a shit if people adore me or not and follow my every move. Fame is over-rated. Give me the money and forget the fame. It has no place in my world whatsoever.
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Post at 12-2-2010 11:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by chewie10 at 12-2-2010 05:20
I think famous people are forced to live differently than normal people.  The second you are famous everything you do is looked at.  I think it's difficult for most famous people to get away with WG b ...


If you are too famous, it can be extremely dangerous mongering.  You have to consider the risks and rewards like possible black mail.

Gov. Eliot Spitzer New York
Tiger Woods
Bill and Monica

If you are famous, everywhere you travel the paparazzi will follow. If you look at Prince William and Harry of England, anywhere they go there will be gossip and be followed. The tabloid newspapers would love to get a story like one of them having an orgy with his groupies. There is no privacy.

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 12-2-2010 13:57 ]
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Post at 12-2-2010 13:52  Profile P.M. 
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In my opinion, being rich and famous can get you in a lot of trouble when mongering ( WG or HG ) is the subject. There is a lot at stake if you get caught, your image to the society/friends, your job/career, and most of all your relationship with your family.

Marital problems will mostly arise as one major effect ( if married ).
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Post at 12-2-2010 14:03  Profile P.M. 
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I say if you're single and famous, then all the more power & poon to you.  I'd expect you could and should get it free though; P4P will still get you in trouble with the media scrutiny.

But if you're famous AND have a SO, then you're shit outta luck...unless a scandal is the type of excitement you're going for.
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Post at 12-2-2010 15:03  Profile P.M. 
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Wasn't the founder of Microsoft renowned  for going with WG's before he got married?

At least being single has some advantages.

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Post at 12-2-2010 16:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 fifelad55's post

Never heard of this before. Who are you talking about? Gates or Allen?
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Post at 12-2-2010 18:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Kennichi's post

If you get famous in HK, no more 141 walkups, HGs, freelancers, and saunas for you, but instead you will get access to those hidden high-end ktvs, nightclubs, high-end poon, and celebrities.     I understand there are quite a few places that are impossible to get in for the average joe.  You have to be invited.  And privacy is protected because the big money here will sue the ass off of any media that oversteps their boundaries.

And this being Asia, it is not totally bad for a famous person to have mistresses or have been hanging at expensive ktvs with young hotties.  Doing these activities gives you a certain credibility that you are just like one of the guys and that you are man enough to support and handle so much poon.  I am sure you may have met some of the girls, here in Asia, who don't mind if you have a SO as long as you take them out for dates, dinners, and buy them gifts.

What is said about Tiger Woods here is why he didn't stick with classier girls, the types who don't talk or why didn't he be more discreet about the whole thing.  His career may be shot or damaged in the West, but if he came to Asia to play or coach, he can still get the crowds because everyone knows he still has his respected talent.

If you still want to continue with this hobby after getting famous, the only thing you really have to be concerned with is : don't make your SO and other female members of your family lose face should you get caught.  Your own reputation is not as valuable as the guilt or shame your SO will feel.  
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Post at 12-2-2010 19:06  Profile P.M. 
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Maybe famous people can rent a hotelroom under a fake name, and pay double and tell the call girl you like it only in the dark.
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Post at 13-2-2010 08:31  Profile P.M. 
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But don't famous people (men) get their pootang for free?

Look at bachelors like George Clooney.  An new hot model every week.

And there's "high-end (discrete)" WG services available. (think: Heidi Fleiss, but still a secret)

I'm assuming it's the same game, just more expensive to play....
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Post at 13-2-2010 08:43  Profile P.M. 
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if you are famous, you only get free poon if you know how to use it to your advantage.
And I'm sure there's plenty of it in HK, china, or anywhere in asia.
But for a guy, you basically have to be a A-rated celebrity or else no-one knows you. Who cares if you starred in a B-rated movie? there is no 2nd place, so don't make any mistakes!

And definitely no WG's for you. HK media is so notorius for their cheap tactics. They will get you in no time.
The public seems to not accept WG's. But mistresses and so-called "girlfriends" (who may just be socialite whores, like paris hilton) seem to be acceptable in the public eye.
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Post at 13-2-2010 12:44  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by reggie at 13-2-2010 08:31
And there's "high-end (discrete)" WG services available. (think: Heidi Fleiss, but still a secret)

I'm assuming it's the same game, just more expensive to play....
i ...

Ah, there's the rub: it ain't a permanent secret.  Think about Heidi Fleiss proffering her client list in order to reduce her sentence, or the publicity around Eliot Spitzer (NY Governor and former DA), he was seeing $5,000/hour hookers and it wasn't secret, or the high priced call girl service in Washington, D.C. 2 years ago that sold it's client list to ABC news, there were several congressmen on that one.

The temptation to go public and claim that 15 minutes of fame is too great these days, and the social penalties are apparently too small.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
The Butler

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