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Post at 22-11-2009 13:14  Profile P.M. 
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English Girls in HK, Bargain Basement?

English and other caucasian girls that come to HK might be expensive by HK standards, but they're still cheap compared to the rates back home.  Do they ever comment to you non-local guys about what a "deal" you're getting?   I wonder if it affects their attitude/performance when a non-local guy (maybe even a guy just in town from London or wherever the girl is from) and the girl knows she could have charged him 2-3 times as much back home?

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 22-11-2009 13:23  Profile P.M. 
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All of the white chicks in the GAl"DB are Eastern European, Ukrainian or Russian. The same argument that applies to the so-called Japanese chicks in the Gal'DB also applies to the Caucasians: prostitution is a business, and no girl is going to set up shop in HK when she could be making more at home - what would be the point?

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Post at 22-11-2009 15:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Marsupial's post

not unless if they are trying to earn extra bucks while they are on holiday, which is usually the case.
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Post at 22-11-2009 16:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 zhouyun's post

Theoretically yes, but do you know of any English girls who are actually doing this? And what kind of a holiday is it if you have to sit in a hotel room all day waiting for some guy to call your agent. Wouldn't it make more sense to contact one of the escort agencies and work on out-call for 2-3 times the money? The prices of all the fake Japanese girls in the Gal'DB are 1400 to 1500, whereas all the Caucasian chicks are 800-1000, almost the same price as the Mainland girls. To me that's a clear tip off that these girls are actually East European. If there were real English girls in the DB, you could be sure they would be labeled as such and the prices would be at least as high as the local girls.

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 22-11-2009 18:38  Profile P.M. 
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Not all western girls are expensive.  I've seen a bunch in vancouver, calgary, seattle, san jose, and even los angeles that were all around 160-180CAD/45 mins which is about 1100-1300 HKD which is roughly almost the same price as the girls posted in db for TST.
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Post at 22-11-2009 20:14  Profile P.M. 
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This topic will always boil down to one of sheer economics.
Supply and Demand.

In HK Demand is High but Supply is even higher.
Western WGs do get a premium in HK, due to the supply issue.
but not nearly enough to warrant coming here from a developed country where they may have citizenship already.

Hence the Western WGs tend to be from the lesser developed areas where the economic disparity is still prevalent.

What tends to confuse (for example) is that an Estonian girl may attempt to pass herself off as English to command a higher price.

This is a business like any other, just one that has some extra cultural baggage.

And as a business, economics will prevail.


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Post at 22-11-2009 20:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 8thdeadlysin's post

You can get half an hour FS in uk for £50 thats about 640$
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Post at 22-11-2009 20:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 pauley's post

I will be back in London this June.
Will be sure to PM you for specifics.

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Post at 22-11-2009 22:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 stranger604's post

Don't forget that the girl only gets 1/2 of that 1000 HK; the other half goes to the agent. So does anyone really believe that a good-looking, young English girl is going to provide sex over here for just HK$ 500, which equals £40? Would the HK agents really ask no more to sleep with a hot English girl than a Mainlander? The price tells you all you need to know.

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 23-11-2009 13:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 Marsupial's post

Sounds like you're speaking theoretically only.

I was asking about actual encounters with the girls in the DB who list themselves as "English" etc.  I haven't checked them out because when I'm in HK I'm enjoying the local flavor, not the cuisine from back home.  Was wondering if there was first hand experiences someone could share.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
The Butler
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Post at 23-11-2009 14:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 TheButler's post

I'm not speaking theoretically at all. All of the reports on these girls give their nationality as East European, etc. And there aren't/never have been any girls in the DB who list their race as English, they're listed as Others with English as the language spoken; what would be the point of giving Ukrainian or Polish as the language spoken?

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 24-11-2009 08:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 TheButler's post

I tried 3 girls when I was HK last time - 2 Russians and a Ukrainian. (Marsupial is right - they list their language as English but there is no indication of their nationality).

In short - your milage may vary! In general, they were all somewhat mechanical and there wasn't much passion involved. On each occasion it was a little small talk, shower (alone), do the deed (CBJ and no kissing) then chat some more, another solo shower and off you go. 1 Russian was quite chatty, but the other 2 were pretty keen to get things over and done with.

It was kinda fun to break up the monotony   of all those Chinese girls, but I would not class HK as a real alternative to get Caucasian chics.
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Post at 24-11-2009 08:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 pauley's post

But what sort of quality are we talking?

1 of the girls mentioned in my previous post was a little chunky and average looking, but the other 2 were smoking hot! Read model-quality! In Australia they would be charging at least $3-4000HKD equivalent.
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Post at 24-11-2009 10:25  Profile P.M. 
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I've been told that for real English girls, you have to go to those high class escort agency websites and they charge HK$2500-3000+ .... nor this makes more sense than earning HK$1000 on 141 ....
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Post at 8-3-2010 17:32  Profile P.M. 
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I would love a hot english girl!!
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Post at 9-3-2010 00:49  Profile P.M. 
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are you guys talking about English girls as from England, or English-speaking girls who are Caucasian?

This is the type of conversation that pisses off the asking party all the time when they try and make small conversation with me (the Asian-American):

Other Person:  what nationality are you?
Me:  American
Other Person:  I mean, where were you born?
Me:  USA
Other Person:  No, I mean, like, where were you raised?
Me: In the Midwest (USA)
Other Person:  Ah..fergit it...
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Post at 9-3-2010 03:39  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by stranger604 at 22-11-2009 18:38
Not all western girls are expensive.  I've seen a bunch in vancouver, calgary, seattle, san jose, and even los angeles that were all around 160-180CAD/45 mins which is about 1100-1300 HKD which is rou ...

Yea, same in toronto here. the going rate is about the same, maybe slightly higher.
And a lot of the white girls here do it because they are NYMPHOS !!
You can't even compare that to a russian in HK with a bad attitude who doesn't want to be there.
they both might be white, but the service is like day and night.
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Post at 9-3-2010 22:26  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bonkers89 at 9-3-2010 03:39
Yea, same in toronto here. the going rate is about the same, maybe slightly higher.
And a lot of the white girls here do it because they are NYMPHOS !!

Isn't that some kind of urban myth?

Seriously, the impression I had was the streetwalkers
were in it to feed their crack habit and/or their pimps.

But maybe you're talking about escorts, etc.?
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Post at 9-3-2010 22:47  Profile P.M. 
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If you are foreigner the best place to find a foreign girl for fun is LKF.  I walk through there some evenings and they seem very much into the men.  Never seem interested in Chinese though.  No need to pay bro.

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