Originally posted by Siklong69 at 12-1-2010 13:38
I have never seen so many J gals on the DB at the same time. I wonder if the papas are stocking up on them in anticipation of the Mainland gals going home for the lunar new year soon? I counted 22 of them plus 7 K gals. I haven't tried either but I might have to soon if the rest disappear to their home villages....
I've actually been watching the JGs for the last couple of months. I'm curious to try one, but I'm holding out until I find one who speaks English and is smiling in her pictures. For most of them, the closest they get to smiling is a look that reminds me of babies when they have gas and need to burp.
But in any case, I think the number of JGs has been holding pretty steady in the low 20s. From the pictures, however, I suspect that some girls have multiple profiles. So I would bet that the number of girls is actually less...
Have fun, CGP