Did anyone say jokes shouldn't reflect real life?
The fastest way to speed up the recovery is to realise that this is it. The 10-year cash-fest is over, and new rules apply. Tangible assets that people need (and to some extent hard cash) are worth more than a sexy idea and fast talking.
Is that good or is it bad? Your choice.
In many ways, the shake-out IS the recovery: the crash in asset prices is a lot more sane than thinking we can borrow money and not have to repay it, or thinking that millions of baby-boomers can all retire early and live off work done by Gen X / Y and Z without a backlash.
My view is that playing to win means playing for win / win. Find a way to give value to others, and it doesn't matter what the economy is doing.
Sorry, WAAAY too philosophical for this section, I know!!!
But I love the joke - the absurdity and the truth in it makes it bittersweet!