I watch the new listings religiously, even if I rarely get that rare overlap of time, energy, libido, and money to actually make it happen. My sense from watching the listings -- vague as my senses tend to be! -- is that prices are ever so slightly coming down. I don't get the sense that specific women are lowering their prices, but rather than more new ladies are coming in at slightly lower prices.
So I hereby introduce the "ML Index" in an attempt to measure the cost of mongering in Hong Kong on a consistent basis... There are actually two indices -- a 141 index and a hotel index, since those are completely different markets. Here are the results:
141 index -- $362.79
Hotel index -- $745.59
The sample set for both indices is the new and updated listings for the last week as of 6 pm on Monday the 16th. There is obviously a bias associated with using new and updated listings rather than all listings. The women who are established and don't feel the need to "update" their listings probably charge more. So this index probably understates the average cost, particularly for 141 ladies. On the other hand, to the extent that prices do move, we will see it most quickly in the new and updated listings. This is consistent with my intent -- to use the ML index as a "leading indicator"...
For the 141 index, I used the 141 price if listed without further qualification. If multiple prices were listed, I used the "ML" price (I also included the few cases in which the ML price was only listed with a "special"). If there was no "ML" price, I used the "whole package" price. If none of those prices existed, I ignored the listing. There were 183 viable listings. The hotel index was much easier, since they only quote one price. In this case, there were 111 listings.
I searched the listings by working backwards through the ID numbers. So it was easy to separate the listings into the newest third, middle third, and oldest third. Not surprisingly, the new kids on the block charge lower prices. The ladies who have been around the block a few times may be a little shop-worn, but the ones who still remain are obviously attracting customers. So they charge higher prices on average, but the range of prices is also much higher. The following lists the indices in order -- most recent profiles, middle, oldest profiles:
141 index -- $344.75, $356.89, $386.72
Hotel index -- $697.57, $736.49, $802.70
If nothing else, we can conclude that an average hotel girl costs just about exactly double that of an average 141 girl. It also appears that the most experienced women average about 10 percent more than the rest. I promise to update the index at irregular intervals, which could be every few weeks to months to years to never... But I make that promise, and I will stick by it!
Have fun, CGP
P.S. For all of you hard-core statistics buffs... if there are any such diseased minds in HK. The range in prices for the 141 ladies spanned a low of $150! (May of Cheung Sha Wan...
http://www.sex141.com/en/viewid.php?uid=21384) to $600 (Maw Maw of TST...
http://www.sex141.com/en/viewid.php?uid=18769). On the hotel side, the range is from $400 (Lam Lam of Tseun Wan...
http://www.sex141.com/en/viewid.php?uid=29163) to $1500! (Cindy of TST...
http://www.sex141.com/en/viewid.php?uid=7800). The standard deviation of the 141 prices was $59.41, which yields a standard error in the 141 index value of only $4.40. For the hotel ladies, there are five outliers above $1000, which pushes up the standard deviation to $162.12 and the standard error of the hotel index to $15.46. Enjoy!