Just sharing some must-have Japanese drugstore items for anyone traveling to and from Japan.
Wet masks for sleeping のどぬ~るぬれマスク
amazon.co.jp link
These are masks with a thick moist towelette that humidify the air you breathe in. Incredible for sleeping on flights, especially if you're prone to throat/nose irritation from dry cabin air.
They can be purchased in-flight on some Japanese airlines but supply can be limited, keep a stock for future long flights.
Okuchi Lemon mouthwash sachets オクチレモン
amazon.co.jp link
An easy-to-carry mouthwash sachet that has an active ingredient to solidify dirt and debris so you can rinse and spit it all out.
Best used after brushing and flossing, otherwise a second sachet may be needed to really get everything. Don't forget to brush the tongue.
Fibe-Mini for dietary fiber ファイブミニ
A soft drink that contains dietary fiber in the form of polydextrose. If you're mostly eating out, you may find that you're not getting enough fiber which is terrible if you're prone to traveler's constipation.
Fibe-Minis can also be found at vending machines and convenience stores. I'm not a fan of stool softeners or laxatives but please do share if you have ones you like.
That's it for now. If anyone has anything else they've found to be game changers, please share, I'd love to hear about them.