I was just screwing around with the read access and lowered it to RA10 after a day... their was a point to it, but it isn't important now.
As to the elitist accusation, I guess I am. I certainly favor other punters that write reports! And do you know how you get karma, and subsequently a higher reading access? WRITE REPORTS! Everyone with higher RA earned it by writing.
I'm going to be in HKG next month, and I intent to write a report for EVERY girl I visit, can you say as much? Last time I did this I earned 300 karma in 4 days. Maybe I should make ALL my reports RA20 or RA30. Maybe I'll just protect the pictures.
There's certainly no reason why I should bust my ass for an ungrateful audience.
Prince is quite correct, I'm not in HKG, so couldn't go myself. I would have in a heartbeat if I was there. And thanks Price for stepping up in my defense.