Subject: Erena - HK x JAV (really that interesting?)
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Kinky King
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Post at 2-4-2023 07:59  Profile P.M. 
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Erena - HK x JAV (really that interesting?)

Honestly understand a bit of the hype, as shes the first HK girl to do JAV?

BUT I checked her debut and it seemed meh..... lol?!?! anyone else felt the same?

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norton2019   9-6-2023 13:30  Acceptance  +1   Favorable
monogamous   8-6-2023 09:38  Acceptance  +3   
booby_lover   4-4-2023 18:16  Acceptance  +5   Was curious to see this but was disappointed.
jackchan79   2-4-2023 09:59  Acceptance  +2   
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Post at 2-4-2023 09:59  Profile P.M. 
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Her style seems very in line with the local HK aesthetic/beauty standard, so maybe some will really like
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Post at 6-6-2023 22:29  Profile P.M. 
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Honestly its less than mehh, the studio is just creating a hype with "foreigner" and "first HK AV Actress" taglines. Her moans doesn't feel sexy at all and is way noisier than most JAV actress'
Kinky King
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Post at 8-6-2023 09:33  Profile P.M. 
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As an old fuddrucker, tbh I would love to bust my nut in her, have her suck my LB and be able to lick her clit. She is a lot better than some of the WG's I have tried in the past and it would be rare as hell to get a AV experience without opening up the wallet.
Yes it's hyped as local HK, blah blah, I found most HK girls a bit prude back in the day, and the now younger ones are just rude and prude, for Erana to come out and show us her hardware and do what she does fine.

Yes I fap to her.

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Mandoggy   8-6-2023 22:56  Acceptance  +3   

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