Originally posted by netfreak2k11 at 12-2-2011 09:59
Thank you very much! I think these are the ones I am looking for. Will be heading to my nearest magazine stand and take a closer look. Those in 7-Eleven are not good enough in my opinion.
I don't think 7-Eleven sells adult magazines but I could be wrong.
For your nearest magazine or book store, you are not allow to open and look at them.
These type of magazines are wrapped in plastic. Once you opened one, you bought it. Again, these magazines are over 4-6 years old. I don't know if there are still around. I believe only 1 is from HK and maybe the others are too.
edit: Changed "brought it" to "bought it"
Last edited by Weelock at 13-2-2011 02:06 ]