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Post at 30-7-2018 07:54  Profile P.M. 
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R+R bars in 1965-1966

My father was stationed in Saigon during 1965-1966.  He
was a reconnaissance pilot, and in between missions he would
fly "milk runs" between Saigon and Hong Kong.  More than
once he stayed over night.

He always talked about a bar he liked, and I cannot remember
the name.

I have found a precious few websites that give a listing of the
popular bars and night spots during the R+R days...but none
of them are ringing a bell.  I don't even know which side of the
fragrant harbor the place was located.

My guess it was on the Wan Chai side...

In any event, if there are anybody of you out there who could
post the names of some of the well-known places, that would
be greatly appreciated.  See if it can jar my memory.


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batman108   31-7-2018 02:31  Acceptance  +2   awesome and thanks
twiceAweek   30-7-2018 18:43  Acceptance  +1   red lips, bottoms up, obe's last stand, Suzy Wong … the last one should ring your bell lol
Mister   30-7-2018 13:39  Acceptance  +1   Bottoms Up?
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Post at 30-7-2018 10:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 JCloy's post

Ask TwiceAweek as he was punting in Hong Kong back then.

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Post at 30-7-2018 12:25  Profile P.M. 
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Your best bet is Greypath, he hasnt posted in a couple of years but I see he visited here a couple of weeks ago.
He was in HK in the late 50's early 60's from memory.
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Post at 30-7-2018 18:38  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by obe at 30-7-2018 10:10
Ask TwiceAweek as he was punting in Hong Kong back then.


I was still in my dippers then … too much cum

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UncleDad   30-7-2018 21:22  Acceptance  +10   Wow you started young mate. Lol
obe   30-7-2018 19:50  Acceptance  +10   LMAO
soundwave (SuppaJizzaFighter2)
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Post at 31-7-2018 10:52  Profile P.M. 
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Good luck in finding those places.  As chances are they are probably gone out of business years ago.
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Post at 2-8-2018 10:59  Profile P.M. 
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I spoke to a mate of mine last night who arrived in the late 60s and knew the area well. Off the top of his head he said he remembered in Wanchai there was the San Francisco (still there), Honolulu, World of Suzie Wong, Hollywood, Popeye, Butterfly Club. So I hope that might help.

I Googled some of the names and found these photos posted back in 2012 https://gwulo.com/atom/15299

Pic attached is not mine, and front that site...so just want to give credit when due.

And from that website, there was also the United, Ocean Bar, Candlelight, Neptunes, Playboy, Washington, Hot Pants, Boston, Carnival

Great stuff!

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Coffeee   26-9-2019 04:43  Acceptance  +5   Great photo... I want a time machine!!!
austin821   3-8-2018 05:14  Acceptance  +6   Excellent
obe   2-8-2018 13:32  Acceptance  +10   Great photo
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Post at 5-8-2018 08:32  Profile P.M. 
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Bars "San Francisco" and "White Horse" are ringing a bell...

Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond.

You know, it finally dawned on me to try and contact my
Dad's navigator (and wingman off base)...last time I spoke
with him was Dec., 2013 when I called to tell him that my
Dad had passed away.  Unfortunately, the phone appears
to be disconnected ...and I fear the worst.

This getting old is a real pain in the ass, I tell you.  I
want to keep doing it, of course, but it really is undignified.

thanks again !!!

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fortune2020   6-8-2018 23:11  Acceptance  +2   yeah getting old sucks.
austin821   5-8-2018 15:59  Acceptance  +6   
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Post at 25-9-2019 09:51  Profile P.M. 
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Here's an update 24 Sept 2019:

I found the notes I took whilst talking to my dad before
he passed away.

The bar was called "The Four Kings" and it was somewhere on the Kowloon side.

Does that ring any bells?


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fortune2020   16-2-2020 12:25  Acceptance  +2   

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