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Post at 6-1-2019 18:14  Profile P.M. 
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How many MGTOWs are in Sex141?

In the past 2 years I have caught wind of the MGTOW movement aka Men going their own way.

It's a movement who have been either burnt too many times by women or at least know the legal ramifications of getting married e.g. losing 50% of all assets and paying alimony for the rest of your life, to go cold turkey on getting married or long term relationships.

This is in relation to banging ultra hot spinners guaranteed in TST and Central for the rest of your life in their 20s for around 2000 HKD

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Mister   7-1-2019 13:57  Acceptance  +1   
batman108   7-1-2019 11:33  Acceptance  +2   awesome and thanks
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Post at 7-1-2019 05:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Ladiesman88's post

Indeed the MGTOW not only helps to cope with the current nazi-feminism we see every day in the mainstream media, but also provides a bit extra ammunition in the art of not giving a fuck about the implications and white knight moral dilemmas of paying for sex.... what a fascinating times we living in....

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Ladiesman88   7-1-2019 19:11  Acceptance  +3   
Lustful Lord
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Post at 6-2-2019 04:17  Profile P.M. 
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I sympathise with MGTOW and know where they are coming from. Gynocentrism seems to be a big part of UK life and this is proof in men getting burnt from their ex wives. MGTOW is now catching on rapidly and this is evident from marriage rates being at their lowest in many western countries.

I used to live in Thailand (Bangkok) from 2014-2016 and I was surprised on how nice and personable the women were compared to women back home. I was spoilt rotten in Bangkok, so much so that I have virtually given up on dating, and when I do goon the odd date, Ive got my BS shield up and run a mile if I detect any hint of mind games or narcissism.

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austin821   6-2-2019 08:50  Acceptance  +5   

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