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Post at 18-12-2018 05:43  Profile P.M. 
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Any info On the Square is TST East?


Been staying at the hotels in TST East past few months.  Any info on those street walkers that walk around that square?  The square close to the Galleria, across from Intercontinental.  How much?  They go to your hotel or have their own place they bring you to.
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Post at 18-12-2018 09:13  Profile P.M. 
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The plaza is called Centenary Garden. I've talked to a few mamasans in the past. Most recently just the past September.

I was quoted 1,500 HKD for 2 hours, at a nearby short time hotel which I'd have to pay for as well. By bad fortune I got pulled away on an urgent matter so I didn't have time to continue the conversation or to negotiate, though I imagine negotiation was possible. No idea how many shots allowed in the 2 hours. Personally, I'd prefer to bring the girl back to my hotel but again I didn't have time to get that far in the conversation.

The mamasans seem to target foreigners, but I've seen them approach passing Chinese guys as well like myself.

[ Last edited by  Freelancer at 17-12-2018 20:14 ]
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Post at 21-12-2018 22:37  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for the details.  

Yeah, same here.  I would prefer to bring the girl back to my room if I'm staying around that area.

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