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Post at 18-9-2013 23:17  Profile P.M. 
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If I was a PPS

I was thinking about this for a while and hopefully I will have the stamina & creativity to keep it up... with all the crazy names for WGs- especially HGs- if I had a stable of HGs what would I name them. Since most of the agents have taken to an identifying prefix, I will do the same. My stable will be the HK stable so all the girls will start with HK until I decided to change it.

So without further ado, here are the (fictional) girls I am offering up this week:

HK Lantern
HK Mooncake
HK Jade Rabbit
HK Autumn
HK Festival
HK Snowy
HK Full Moon (she's the one with 38E knockers)

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JackTheBat   10-2-2014 13:56  Acceptance  +10   HK Lai See. HK AngelababyGigiGucciYoyo. HK Anime Pixie. HK Miss 88.
homer168   19-9-2013 20:54  Acceptance  +1   LoL I'll take the 38E knockers!
Mister   19-9-2013 01:09  Acceptance  +3   :-D
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Post at 19-9-2013 11:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 ramont's post

lol, but wasn't the HK prefix taken up for a while already (although seemingly not at the moment)

If you were a PPS, are there any circumstances where you would begin to consider B&S your callers?
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Post at 19-9-2013 13:48  Profile P.M. 
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If I was the pps I would be 2 busy sampling the goods to answer the phone (or no energy to)

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Mister   19-9-2013 13:53  Acceptance  +2   For quality assurance purposes, of course ;-)
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Post at 19-9-2013 15:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 angst's post

LOL, yes the HK stable was already taken and fairly known for B&S, at least in my experiences.  

I doubt the PPS are the ones answering the phones. At least the good ones have to be making too much money to be bothered with answering phones all day. As Cruman/Mister suggested they are probably training all the new goods.
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Post at 20-9-2013 11:15  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by angst at 19-9-2013 11:44 AM
lol, but wasn't the HK prefix taken up for a while already (although seemingly not at the moment)

If you were a PPS, are there any circumstances where you would begin to consider B&S your callers ...

Hmm... I think you're right, maybe I should find a new prefix like XXX or TD or TAW.

And no, I wouldn't B&S. You either have the girl available or you don't. If you don't you admit it and offer another girl or a few to chose from.

Recent Ratings
homer168   20-9-2013 11:26  Acceptance  +1   B&S rate relates to PPS' level of greediness.

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