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Post at 14-8-2013 18:24  Profile P.M. 
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FS agent is bad and should be avoided

Set up an appointment 1 hour ahead of time. Travelled all the way from HKI to TST and the fucking agent screwed me. He had me waiting on a rainy day. I checked back after 15 minutes and he said he would call back. I called him back 2 more times and he didn't answer. Finally, the shithead calls back 50 minutes after the appointed time. I was already gone. I don't have time for that bullshit.


If the girl isn't available at least have the courtesy to:
a) tell me
b) offer a replacement
c) b&s me with another girl in hopes that I don't find out or care.

The problem with bad agents like FS is even if he did have the girl I wanted 50 minutes late, by them I am pissed off and probably going to have a bad experience which isn't fair to me or the girl.

hlau already mentioned that he creates more ads by doubling up the girls.

My advice is to avoid the FS group and this number: 63515322

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heymikey   8-9-2013 10:23  Acceptance  +1   Agreed
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 14-8-2013 18:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 ramont's post

Oh boy, our bro ramont is really piss off now....

HG visit can be a fucking pain when the fuckup papa/mama screw the customer such as your case.

Unless there is a superstar HG who can fucks like a pornstar, I would be bother with HG at all.

I rather seek out Post ops  / LAdyboy in kowloon side. At least I am screwed by the heat and not the idiotic papa/mama.

Better luck my bro in ur next encounter.

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9

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Post at 14-8-2013 19:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 hunter's post


I hadn't done a HG in probably over a year for the reasons you noted: crappy agents, b&s, price inflation and most of thegirls don't speak English... BUT, I just had an urge for a young, slim hottie. And those are harder to find in the Walk-up scene. (When's your hottie Dou Dou from Kwun Tong coming back?) So I decided to take a chance and of course it blew up on me.

It was much better when DG & James were handling stuff and there were a few more reports on HGs, cause then you knew who to go to without all the crap.
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Post at 15-8-2013 09:55  Profile P.M. 
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Hi Ramon, sorry but why don't you just take the ferry to Macau and find yourself a sweet young thing in a sauna ? Aside from the cost differences, but it should be worth it..
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Post at 15-8-2013 18:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 kenbond's post

I did the Macau thing about 2 years ago. It's okay, but mainly it's an issue of time & money, not to mention you never know when you will run into someone you know. But mainly it's time & money for me.
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Post at 16-8-2013 16:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 ramont's post

Sorry and too bad about your FS experience.

I am fine with FS in that they haven't and don't BS me, but I understand your waiting time problem. That seems to be the one thing they haven't been able to correct and a longer than reasonable wait time seems to be the standard.

If you want to try HG's, try S1 or NBA.
But remember, even James pulled off BS from time to time apparently.

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ramont   16-8-2013 17:53  Acceptance  +2   thanks for the tip
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Post at 28-8-2013 21:11  Profile P.M. 
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My HG experiences has been the same, perhaps the papas and mamas cater to their own customer base because I've tried and tried and tried calling these guys to no availability or some sort of problem  I've spent hours at TST just lingering around trying to figure out the HG path.

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angst   29-8-2013 20:45  Acceptance  +1   If you come back to HK and need help, let me know!
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Post at 8-9-2013 07:19  Profile P.M. 
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i was just browsing the talent, and am really impressed by the photos by LS's stable.  i have never done the HG experience, but damn they look amazing.

Thanks for everyones input on the typical troubles with HG's/agents/B&S.  I will keep banging my belly-ed, not so pretty, but STEADY massagie/one shot babe.

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Post at 8-9-2013 10:22  Profile P.M. 
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I agree, but should have read this earlier LOL

I wish I would have read this post a week ago.  After 2 B&S FS experiences in the last week, one thankfully okay and the other terrible, I agree with all you wrote about the bad service from this guy.

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