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Post at 19-12-2012 20:59  Profile P.M. 
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Warning: Some WC girls want your Sperm

Sorry if the subject is a bit graphic, but I wanted to get the point across.

Some of you know I've been dating the same wan chai girl for a good 1.5 years, so I've come to learn a few of their secrets.

One thing that I've been discovering more and more, is one of the dangers with a lot of the Filipina Wan Chai girls.  I'm mainly speaking about Filipina Wan Chai girls who hang out at all the regular bars in WC.

I'm not trying to be racist or make generalizations, I'm just citing things I've discovered over time.  And my GF is sometimes housed with 10-16 different WC girls, so over that 1.5 years she's known 30-40 different girls, so that's the experience I'm drawing from.

First of all, one thing I've learned is that some of the most famous actors and actresses in the Philippines are of MIXED backgrounds.  Not pure filipino but mixed parents.  So there is desire or craze for a lot of these girls to end up with a guy who's not a filipino.  They want to have a mixed baby,  American, Australian, French, white guy, whatever.

My GF actually was telling me how a rumor was going around that she was pregnant and when she mentioned her BF was American, the Wan Chai waitresses went into a frenzy fighting over being able to adopt her baby.  It was somewhat in jest, but gives you an idea of their love for the Mixed baby.

That's just some background.

The reason I say "Danger" is for a couple reasons.

I have discovered MANY of these girls don't EVER use condoms.  Or SELDOM use condoms.  

Initially when she would tell me about a girl who didn't use a condom I thought it was a RARE occurence or rare girl, but over time I've discovered it's not so rare at all.  A lot of these girls don't bother with protection, and yet they are still fucking different strange men every night.  These girls are often from extremely poor backgrounds and don't seem to have a lot of education on STD's and taking precautions and general risks.  They are not like the walk up girls or professional girls discussed on this forum.

Besides not understanding risks, I think the biggest complaints is they don't "LIKE" condoms.  From what I can gather, it's the condoms are a bit painful or something, and I think that has to do with these girls having no idea what LUBRICANT is for.  One time in one of my sessions with my GF I brought along some Lube just for fun, and she got a bit freaked out, she had no idea what is was or why or how or what...Needless to say I never bothered with it or ever brought it with me again.  (Thankfully after all this time I'm an expert on what buttons to push on her, so it's never necessary).

But I think compared to Walk up girls or sauna girls, they always get lubed up right before an encounter.

I remember her talking about how some of the girls take birth control pills, but I thought that was a bit odd, until I realized these girls do not use any protection.

In discussing 1 girl that's her friend, her last trip to HK just ended and she was only here for a month.  She was doing roughly 4-5 guys per week for about 4 weeks.  So in total she slept with 16-20 guys.

She just found out she's pregnant, and she hasn't a clue who is the father.  It found that revealing that she basically was fucking 20 random guys over a month, all cumming in her, no protection, so imagine her previous 3 month stays in Hong Kong the list of guys she fucked without condoms is probably a lot more.  And she is one of the few that's actually a prostitute/dancer back in Manila, so I was quite surprised she doesn't bother with condoms.

The weirdest part of all, she said her friend was THRILLED to be pregnant.  She was guessing all 20 guys were white.

And beyond that, she said of the 16 girls currently in the mamasan's control, 2 are currently pregnant, as one was actually crying about how will she explain when she gets home to her mom, why the baby is white.

Also I know of one girl who's father was Indian, from India and she told me a long story about how she said she fell in love with him and begged him for a baby, who would represent their love.  And even if he leaves, the baby would be there always to remind her of their love, and it would be a gift (BTW I think this is a common thing, if they fall in love with a guy, they immediately want to his child).  Anyway my GF said it was BS, she just got accidentally pregnant.  This girl is a long term, like 7 years back and forth to Wan Chai.

And there are many more cases of girls in this 30-40 who have kids from their days in Wan Chai.

There are also more sinister cases, besides girls falling in love, wanting a mixed baby, or just hating condoms...

Some of these girls are looking to trap guys.

They like a guy and either want him as a BF or want some financial gain.

I know of one girl that really liked a guy and then pretended to be pregnant.  So she was calling him and his brother crying about how she's pregnant (again, obviously there was some unprotected sex going on).  She was definitely looking for some commitment from him of some kind.

I'm not trying to freak you guys out.  But I do want you to know that there are a few dangers with these girls.  They are not educated on protection and risks, and/or they just don't care.  Also they don't seem to know how to have sex comfortably with a condom and they don't see this as a business like the walk up girls.  They kind of jump into it out of the blue and don't seem to be prepared what they are doing.  Many of these girls are taking huge risks sleeping with a lot of guys and not taking any precautions.

And some of these girls are happily looking for your sperm with the hope one of them finds their way home and she ends up with a mixed race baby.  And if they were VERY PICKY, and you were only one of the very few they fucked, you could get an unsuspecting call or email telling you they have your child.  It could be true or it could be a way to extract money from you.

I love the wan chai bar scene, so don't get me wrong, but I do want you guys to know that some of these Filipina WC girls are letting guys cum inside her like she's a fucking sperm bank.  So just beware of the STD risk and the pregnancy risk.

No offense intended towards anyone.  

Have fun, but be safe bro's!!!

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MoJoe.6969   5-1-2013 02:18  Acceptance  +1   Original
JJJ37   29-12-2012 08:04  Acceptance  +3   So true
thebigz0   22-12-2012 07:47  Acceptance  +3   Always have condoms on you when in WC.
deadliner   21-12-2012 13:15  Acceptance  +2   Good background info.
hunter   20-12-2012 09:57  Acceptance  +5   very interesting info.
wander   20-12-2012 01:24  Acceptance  +3   Yes to all. Been there, heard even more.
twiceAweek   19-12-2012 23:32  Acceptance  +5   Interesting ...
b-man   19-12-2012 22:44  Acceptance  +1   Thanks bro. Good to keep reality....
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Post at 19-12-2012 22:59  Profile P.M. 
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Im wondering it its also because of their upbringing as Catholic's?  Ok I not that sleeping with many guys is a "Catholic" way.. but I mean that maybe their is partially influenced by the Catholics view on "anti condoms" (which is partially misunderstood by the public I think)

Note: Personally im vry pro condom and not defending them.

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Post at 20-12-2012 01:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 edge's post

Yeah, the catholic thing is another part of it.  Trapping a rich foreigner is huge part of it.  Mixed babies is also a big part of it.

But it is not just with Filipinas.  The Indonesians are the same, as are the freelance-PRC gals (ie:  those who dont work as a WU or HG).  Pretty much every freelancer, regardless of origin, I became a regular with offered BB to me, or just tried to jump on BB at some point.  The economic disparity, the ability for me (or another well-off foreigner) to completely change their life (and family's lives) makes such extreme acts more understandable.

I've talked to a few about it.

"What would you do if you got pregant by me??"

Smiling big, she says, 'Go back home and wait for you!!!"

Yep.  Yikes!  The emails pleading for support would have been un-ending.

I have had several pregancy scares during my wanchai time.  And one gal that I think I DID get pregnant...  (But her pregnancy terminated in the tube and she had to be operated on.  She never tried to trap me, though.  And PS:  Yeah, I did help this one to pay for the operation.  And I saw her scars upon her return.  A shame, really.  They had to remove one tube, reducing her changes of EVER getting pregnang again by 75% according to the doctors.  Sad.  A nice girl.  Anyway.., a different story)
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Post at 20-12-2012 09:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 edge's post

Man...fuck the religious belief or reason.

They are who they are. Not properly and limited educated, dumbass peers influence. WG hang out with WG and alike.

I dont know if it is a habit or behavior thing of these working gals especially from SEA (Fili / Indo/Tahi), they seems to have lack of common sensel!!
I just think it is more prevalent for fili/indo to go bareback creampie shit.
From real stories and my own experience.
Even the civvie gals have this mentality.
They tend to take condom as an insult to a relationship and when having sex with regular partner(s).
Some consider the rubber as foreigh object and disgust and un-natural to have it inside their vahina.
Ignorance ? I think not....just pure dumbness!!!

Frankly, I just think Indo/Fili WG are one of the dumb bitches I ever came accross. Top 3 maybe...

I bang thousands of Chinese bumpkins fresh off from the poor village.
You dont see them offering me creampie and wanting me to help them make babies in my godlike !!
They are Poor with minimal education, but still smart and having basic common sense.

I love the Thai as well.......but I also heard they love bareback if you become their regulars   

[ Last edited by  hunter at 20-12-2012 14:55 ]

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wander   20-12-2012 13:47  Acceptance  +1   The PRC gals I knew offered BB in the same ratio as any other gal.

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Post at 20-12-2012 10:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 hunter's post

Ahhhhhh ... There are thousands of little hunters running around in China ...

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hunter   20-12-2012 10:34  Acceptance  +1   No chance....I use condom everytime!!
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Post at 20-12-2012 11:37  Profile P.M. 
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And if they have your contact details or passport details that is enough for the international agreements on child support to kick in. Imagine being back in oz or USA or wherever and the letter comes wanting details of your employment, salary etc and then claiming or even pouring a garnashee on your pay via your employer.

A quick check shows that HK and Philippines are signatories to the international convention as well as OZ and USA.

And she can register the baby as a citizen of your country.

Moral of the above is always be careful

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Post at 20-12-2012 20:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 hunter's post

Exactly why I limit my fun to Korean and PRC providers . Some of them are poor, some of them are naïve, but none of them are stupid .

MY SO, Who is Chinese, explains to me that they are "warm country people" , and as such don't have to "gather nuts in the autumn To see them through the winter" like the Chinese influenced cultures of China (duh!), Korea, and Japan. As she explains to me they can simply lay back under the palm tree and pick fruit off the tree year-round and have plenty of food to eat and no need to plan ahead. Consequently their ability to Think abstractly (i.e. in six months the bright sunshine and tall green grass will be covered in snow) is limited And they never have to develop the mental strength learn how to delay gratification. these are two critical survival skills that some people don't have, or don't have them in sufficient strength to see them through difficult times.

Also I think on the Thai side it's some of the Buddhist passive and fatalist mentality, where is on the Filipino side it is the Catholic thing where they don't use condoms .

just my two renminbi.

Keep on mongering
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Post at 20-12-2012 20:33  Profile P.M. 
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I think there is a big error in comparing hardcore PRC Pros who work in 141 WUs, Saunda, or as HGs and the freelance Bargirls from PI, Indo, etc.

The TYPE of WG in these two scenarious is different.  And guess what--- the freelancer PRC gals that became regulars ALSO offerred me bareback.  These freelancers hope their job might indeed land them a big+fish-husband, whereas some gal seeing 5 or more punters a day doesn't hold out the same hope.  (hence the lower GFE in general).

So sorrry to bust your bubble, but a poor, undervalued, PRC freelancer gal from the farm is just as quick to try to land a rich boyfriend who'll "save them" as any poor, undervalued gal from SEAsia. And oh - all these gals who have the guts to venture out to some foreign city to try to make a buck are obviously looking ahead and actively trying to build a better life.

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mchk   21-12-2012 13:56  Acceptance  +2   Agreed, they are different.
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Post at 21-12-2012 13:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 wander's post

I agree more with Wander in I was comparing the Pro girls working in the saunas and Walk ups VS a girl who ends up in a Wan Chai Bar.

At first I didn't realize there was a difference and some of the lesser experienced guys like I was not long ago, don't realize there's a difference.

You might be thinking, THESE GIRLS ARE ALL WORKING girls right?  They know the rules, they are the experts after all.

But that's when I discovered the Wan Chai Bar Girl is far from a professional.  And I think possibly catholic religion has caused some condom stigma and a host of other reasons already discussed for their lack of condom use.

I just want some of the newer guys to understand they are going to have to be prepared for that.  When I've gone for the walk up or sauna I sit back and let the expert take charge...

But with a Wan Chai Bar Girl, it's not the same. There's a good chance she's not an expert.  She may have just found her way to HK with a promise to make a lot of extra money, but not a lot of ideas on what she's going to do to make that money, and no training or understanding of the consequences of her actions.  Or she could be a seasoned vet looking for the prize.

Point is, just be a bit careful.  The Wan Chai bar girl experience can be pretty friggin awesome, but play it smart.
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Post at 22-12-2012 03:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 mchk's post

is this where I chime in saying not to mix business with pleasure?
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Post at 27-12-2012 16:36  Profile P.M. 
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i have done only 1 filipino, 3 indonesians, 1 malay WG.

all first-time encounter.
the filipino, malay and 1 indonesian offered bareback.

i have yet met a PRC who offered bareback on first encounter.

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wander   29-12-2012 07:44  Acceptance  +1   Where the PRC gals bargirls? Where the others?

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Post at 29-12-2012 07:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 kaka's post

I am just saying that maybe ethnicity is not the only differance in your (admitedly small) sample.  Possible?
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Post at 29-12-2012 08:17  Profile P.M. 
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What you said fits with my experience in WC. A lot of Pinays are totally down with bareback. Alot of Indos too.

Most of them don't even carry condoms. So have your own ready to go. Get the party hat out of the box or drawer right away and be ready to get it on before getting caught up in the moment.  

I always travel with my own condoms and lube. When I pull out the condoms 9 times out of 10 they are disappointed. And when a little lube is needed and I pull it out they seem to have no clue what it is for. Some are even afraid of it, not knowing what it is for.

Different experience with Thais though. They all seem to either have condoms or request you have one.
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Post at 29-12-2012 16:53  Profile P.M. 
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they are the prowl.... watch out
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Post at 1-1-2013 13:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 edge's post

not anti condom per say....but anti birth control,
many of the p4p areas in the phills, the girls dont
insist on a condom, which is why guys like going there,
if you tell them boom boom with condom, they are very
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Post at 1-1-2013 13:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 ryobi1's post

It's also financial. In phils, due to strong catholic lobby, condoms are not freely distributed and are relatively expensive to buy so girls just do without. The law just changedlast week so may see a shift in culture in near future

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