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Post at 24-8-2012 11:23  Profile P.M. 
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Justin Lee Models Scandal

Not sure where to place this.
The current rage for the past week since some of the videos/pictures have leaked

Apparently everyone wants to be Edison Chen nowadays, what with the latest perpetrator being Taiwanese heir Justin Lee, in a sex scandal that allegedly involved him drugging and possibly raping several women with 60 women taped during the sessions.
According to Jayne Stars, photos from the socialite's pornographic collection were uploaded by an anonymous netizen recently, identified as 'M', including a 1-minute and 13-second video clip on Taiwan's largest community forum, PTT Bulletin Board System. Although 'M' locked the post stating that users who want to see more photos and videos from Justin Lee's collection had to figure out the passcode themselves, that did not stop the post from generating millions of comments.
The post had been taken down by the authorities since then and search warrants were issued to the homes of two PTT users because they requested 'M' to show them Justin Lee's pornographic files. Tabloid magazines that previously published photos from Justin Lee's collection were also interrogated by the police.
To make things worse, netizens have been photoshopping various photos of celebrities in an attempt to tie them to the scandal and generate second-guesses. Among the celebrities who were victimized by netizens were the famous Taiwanese model and actress, Kelly Lin and actress Alice Tzeng.
Further, Justin Lee's ex-girlfriend, Cora, had been accused to be 'M', following reports that she was seen turning in a CD device to the police authorities.
"How can it be me?! I do not have any of them. The prosecutor will prove me innocent!"
Cora then went on to deny that the CD was her sex tape with Justin Lee through her Facebook page, stating, "That CD is a computer device driver. The police are checking if there are more photos in it."

Some Pictures / Videos download here

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bmfknw852   31-8-2012 17:15  Acceptance  -1   
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Post at 30-8-2012 17:10  Profile P.M. 
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bmfknw852   31-8-2012 17:18  Acceptance  -1   not cool
priapus   31-8-2012 10:16  Karma  +1   thanks
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Post at 31-8-2012 17:14  Profile P.M. 
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Maggie Wu is a really good friend of mines...its sad to see this type of things.

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priapus   1-9-2012 19:56  Acceptance  +1   For a monger, you have one smoking hot friend.

i might be chinese but my bottom half is black ;)
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Post at 31-8-2012 17:16  Profile P.M. 
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please remove, this site can also be in trouble for distributing this image

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Wachovia68   24-9-2012 17:26  Acceptance  +4   welcome to the interwebs

i might be chinese but my bottom half is black ;)
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Post at 1-9-2012 19:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 bmfknw852's post

Dude, this is the internet.  There is no such thing as damage control.
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Post at 2-9-2012 05:20  Profile P.M. 
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Found about 4 of the leaked videoes. Damn this guy basically drugged and  raped them...
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Post at 3-9-2012 14:44  Profile P.M. 
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Got a link to one of his videoes. Really slow download took me about 4 hours lol.
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Post at 4-9-2012 16:39  Profile P.M. 
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I understand the 2nd photo is actually faked
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Post at 14-9-2012 05:36  Profile P.M. 
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