Subject: Shanghai sees huge increase in AIDS cases
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Post at 29-11-2011 16:16  Profile P.M. 
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Shanghai sees huge increase in AIDS cases

You might need to reconsider that weekend orgy you were planning! An expert with the Shanghai Public Health Center revealed that AIDS is on the increase in Shanghai, during a forum at Fudan University yesterday.
Shanghai Daily reports that AIDS authority Lu Hongzhou was personally attending to 50 to 70 more cases of HIV-positive individuals per month in the first half of 2011, and that the numbers then expanded to 70 to 100 extra cases during the second half of the year.
Lu claims that the increase in AIDS cases are mainly the result of unprotected sex, and that migrant patients from other parts of China are also contributing to the uptick. Lu also adds that the end is nowhere in sight:
"We have seen the increase in AIDS being controlled in 2009 globally, but in China, it may still increase for a long time," he said. "Some experts have predicted that the country will need another eight, 10 or even 15 years to change the situation. However long it will take it's clear that the trend will last not for a short period."
Professor He Na, an expert in epidemics with Fudan University's School of Public Health, also claimed that the increase in AIDS in Shanghai was faster than in the rest of China, and that China as a whole could see a 13 percent spike in total cases of AIDS, from 380,000 to 430,000.
All of this sounds to us like the unfortunate fallout from Shanghai having a booming economy, and the best nightlife in China to boot. Hey, they don't call this place the Whore of the Orient for nothing.
Shanghaiist would like to remind everyone out there that wrapping up is more often a good idea than not, and that the obverse is true for raw-dogging it. Be careful out there, Shanghai! ... ncreases_in_aid.php

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