Say you've got a proper (read: sizeable) expense account and you are clearly allowed to spend it entertaining important persons with hookers and blo
BUT you'd prefer to NOT have the granny who runs accounting giving you the evil eye. Did I say 'granny?' Oh yeah, and she goes to church a lot too.
Anyway, you've got this big-ass charge card burning a whole in your pocket and permission to entertain with it in the best HK tradition. How do you cover your tracks properly?
1. Pay for everything in cash. Always preferred of course, but not always possible, and a receipt must be turned in anyway.
2. Charge at places that bill discretely.
TT's tail of the Pussycat Club: got me thinking, just what shows up on your corporate card when you use it in such establishments.
Likewise, do the Saunas all bill discretely? Or do only some of them?
How do the big spenders among us manage this?