doghead (dog)
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Post at 23-11-2010 22:27  Profile P.M. 
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Visit to a HG - HK hardcore Porno

Here is a HK hardcore porno I just watched.  Unfortunately for the bros who don't understand Chinese, there are no English subtitles.  The characters speak in Canto and Mando.  No blurring of the private parts in this movie, in fact full on explicit shots of both cock and pussy.  

Basically the video gives you an idea of what is like to visit a HG.  I personally never done a HG before but from all those reports I have read, it seems this video is a pretty close approximation of it.  There is the walking to the hotel scene (looks like the SD hotel in Jordan), going up to the hotel room, ringing door bell, girl looks around door, greets punter, guy switches from Canto to Mando to speak to PRC girl, chitchat, a little foreplay, then to the showers for more action, then back to bed and girl starts with obligatory nipple licking, all the fucking actions and poses, before he cums onto her ass.  Punter wipes her ass clean for her which has never been described in any reports so I am not sure this part is a accurate re-creation.  

Ignore the 1st 3mins as it is a short scene that doesn't reflect what I wrote above.

Recent Ratings
bp626   15-2-2011 13:31  Acceptance  +1   Excellent Video & Thank you...
sexpert   8-1-2011 10:13  Karma  +3   The conversation is realistic!
sexpert   8-1-2011 10:13  Acceptance  +3   The conversation is realistic!
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Post at 24-11-2010 01:03  Profile P.M. 
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Girl forgot to hide behind the door like they always do.
Kinky King
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Post at 23-12-2010 18:57  Profile P.M. 
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kinda interesting, thanks for sharing
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Post at 29-12-2010 21:18  Profile P.M. 
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I can't believe they even video tape a hotel scene!  
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Post at 8-1-2011 04:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 random1's post

Yes, they'll stay out of view behind the door.  You see them after you've walked in and they close the door.  I find that part exciting, finding out what you've got, or whether she looks anything like her pics.
Not sure about other girls but the Japanese girls tend to wait for you to approve before going ahead.
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Post at 8-1-2011 10:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 doghead's post

this shit is funny cuz I've had conversations about 95% just like this! LOL...  except my mandarin is better than this guy's! LOL.. great video

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