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Post at 31-12-2010 09:08  Profile P.M. 
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REPORT of the YEAR - 2010

Does one report "stand out" for you? It could be it's information? pics? presentation? overall quality?

Which report had a big impact on the forum this past year?

With so many quality reporters, it's a tough one, however I have gone for what may be the first report on Gaile by Bro First Knight. My reasons being:

(1) Possibly the first report on a future star.
(2) Kwirky reporting style something a little different.

Here's a LINK

Your favourite?
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Post at 31-12-2010 09:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 TonyToro's post

I can't remember who it was, maybe you or DaBest or TD, but someone did a post with illustrations of all the positions they did. It was classic.

Gaile's first did get the snowball rolling into an avalanche, though.
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Post at 31-12-2010 11:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 TonyToro's post

I vote for captain caveman's report on Boom here:

This was the one report I read where I literally almost started crying I was laughing so hard. When I got to the point where her pussy juices spat in his face I was practically on the floor

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captaincaveman   31-12-2010 14:51  Karma  +1   thank you stag
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Post at 1-1-2011 21:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 stage6's post

Yeah, my vote also goes to Captaincaveman. I missed the report the first time around and also laughed until I cried while reading it and it almost made me dig out my punting shoes and hit the streets, although the missus seems to have hidden my shoelaces somewhere. I also seem to have missed Boomer herself, wish I had been here and punting at the time! Happy New Year everyone!
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Post at 1-1-2011 21:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 stage6's post

Yeah, my vote also goes to Captaincaveman. I missed the report the first time around and also laughed until I cried while reading it and it almost made me dig out my punting shoes and hit the streets, although the missus seems to have hidden my shoelaces somewhere. I also seem to have missed Boomer herself, wish I had been here and punting at the time! Happy New Year everyone!
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Post at 2-1-2011 07:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 TonyToro's post

Honestly, there are so many excellent reports and quite a few members who have gone that extra mile to write entertaining and informative reports over the last year that it would be a disservice to not give them due recognition. During the past year, I think the quality of reporting has truly blossomed.

However, one report does stand out to me as being so hilarious and absurd that I simply can't think of it without chuckling. Thanks to bali1111 for his unique contribution. ... p;highlight=dungeon
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Post at 2-1-2011 09:08  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Siklong69 at 1-1-2011 21:24
...I also seem to have missed Boomer herself,, ...

sik, i believe Boomer is back in town, not as an HG, but as a Phone Appt girl. i just cant find that report, but someone just reported on her recently
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Post at 2-1-2011 09:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 TonyToro's post

For me, the report that had a big impact was hunter's take on the Shenzhen Hooker Alley and his close shave with LE. It was real adventure and like a scene from a movie when he made good his escape.

For me the Hong Kong HG reports seem pedestrian, more like an article of a  food critic at a restaurant while hunter's was live adventure like watching an episode of Man vs Wild on the Discovery Channel.

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SkinnyForum   2-1-2011 17:19  Acceptance  +1   Yes, that was a memorable story.
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Post at 2-1-2011 11:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 DaBestHK's post

sik/dabest - it was CC that advised Boom was back in town as a phone appt girl. thread is here:

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DaBestHK   6-1-2011 06:45  Acceptance  +2   thanks
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Post at 2-1-2011 14:26  Profile P.M. 
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my vote also goes to Captaincaveman. He is one of the best writers in this forum.
i love the squirting part. hahaha.....
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Post at 5-1-2011 14:54  Profile P.M. 
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i would like to thank everyone for their votes. but i just hope everyone utilizes information that is given to them by me so they can get a really good session. sik if you need more info on boomer feel free to pm and i will give you what i got
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Post at 5-1-2011 17:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 TonyToro's post

Here's my invitation/request for you to ask this question in what I hope to develop into THE thread where question such as yours can have the attention of most of our membership - as it will hopefully develop into a MUST SEE FIRST THREAD on our forum


Thank you

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TonyToro   5-1-2011 19:29  Acceptance  +1   Mike090 has started official thread in F
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Post at 5-1-2011 19:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 SEAJ's post

The Official Awards Thread has been started in the Forum Affairs section. Link HERE for details. Please take a look and contribute. NEW MEMBERS are WELCOME to enter!!! We enjoy everyone's contribution.

[ Last edited by  TonyToro at 5-1-2011 21:30 ]

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