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Post at 3-1-2011 02:12  Profile P.M. 
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A fool! That's what I am.

I went punting today looking for walkups at some old buildings that I had never tried before. The entire floor of my first choice was closed, probably since all 4 girls were still on holiday. This created an impression with me that most of the regulars were not around. I went to a second building and noticed that most of the doors had the sign "new girl". Great, that confirmed my fears that the regulars were off. So I knocked on the door anyway. This OK cute girl opened the door, so I thought, what the heck and went in.

I asked if she was a substitute and she confirmed she was. She asked if I used the database to find this place, which I did, but then she added that she wasn't on the database. So I said I was looking for the regular girl who had the ad up. Anyway she was so shy. Covering herself up. Not looking me in the eyes. Etc etc. Then after a while, she said she was on her menstrual period and that if I wanted to, I could just leave and check out the other girls. I said it's OK as long as she gave me a blowjob which she agreed to. She said next time I come over, she'll spend a lot more time with me and do it properly. (Warning light: What next time? She is a substitute.)

More chatting and it seemed this was her first day on the job. She couldn't work the showers or anything. She was so squeamish about me touching her. Then it got even more ridiculous. She didn't even seem to know what pre-cum was and didn't know how to put on a condom. When I sucked on her breasts she seemed really turned on. (Warning light: No girl would start moaning from a guy sucking her breast, not unless she was totally horny with a lover of her choice, or she was a pro. Definitely not something a fresh girl would do with a client.)

One thing lead to another and I felt sorry for her and didn't push her to give me head, and just ended with a handjob. There was also a sob story about how she was working because her dad was sick etc. and she needed to pay for his medical. Also she slipped in the fact that she met her last boyfriend at university. University? A semi-virgin uni girl who is working only to get rid of debt? You can see I am not the smartest of people. So in the end, I gave her the usual $500 even though all I got was a handjob. I almost wanted to keep in touch with her, but then thought, what the heck, I am not going to believe everything she said. Well at least I got SOME intelligence left in me.

So I came home, my computer still displayed her database on my screen. And... (this is where the eerie music crescendos in those horror movies) the more I look at the photos the more I think that was HER! She was not a substitute but a seasoned pro who knew how to play me like a fiddle and got $500 for a handjob. She assessed what kind of person I was, that I wouldn't leave, and wouldn't pressure her to do anything before she tried that story out on me.

DAMN IT! What an idiot I am! I got tricked BAD!

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bcs74   4-1-2011 21:11  Karma  +2   Made me laugh
wkleong2   4-1-2011 00:02  Acceptance  +1   
stage6   3-1-2011 10:39  Acceptance  +1   You'll know for next time
DArtagnan   3-1-2011 09:56  Karma  +3   Nice warning tale!!
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Post at 3-1-2011 02:22  Profile P.M. 
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Yes, you did get tricked badly, because no girl working in any sort of sex establishment doesn't know how to put on a condom.  SUCKA!~~! lol jk.  take it on the chin and off to the next punt you go.  The good karma you gave will come back to you!
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Post at 3-1-2011 06:01  Profile P.M. 
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Wow!  You know I can't say I wouldn't fall for something like that too since I'm kind of a push over when to come to women in distress but after reading this, I'll have to leave my guard up.

[ Last edited by  2zzh22k20 at 3-1-2011 06:02 ]
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Post at 3-1-2011 08:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 aray's post

Sorry to hear of your story but in the field anything can happen even though you suspected you were being played at the time. Knowing what to do sometimes does not mean you're able to avoid such an outcome. May I suggest you post the pic of the girl so other bros will not have to suffer the same fate?

[ Last edited by  geoduck at 3-1-2011 08:15 ]

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aray   3-1-2011 21:42  Acceptance  +1   Doubt anyone would be as stupid as me
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Post at 3-1-2011 10:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 aray's post

I'll tell you, you gotta practice walking away ... it can work so well, especially at off-peak times!  

listen attentively when she pitches her sob-story
do 2/3 turn and begin to move slowly away
saying something like "... maybe next week ... will you still be here?" over your shoulder
and if you like the reaction, continue to play hard-to-get while you reel her in

Has to be authentic though.  No anger, no disappointment, just walking away to find the girl of your dreams and staying polite.

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aray   3-1-2011 21:43  Acceptance  +1   That's good advice.
stage6   3-1-2011 10:38  Acceptance  +1   Great advice

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 3-1-2011 11:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 aray's post

PLease allow me to get this straight.

Since you posted this up in the chat section, together with the total lack of any details - is your posting a specific cautionary advisory to avoid one particular girl or is it just an imaginary generic tale of what could happen if one is not on guard?

Things like her trying to put on a condom when FS is already not on the menu, why she would even bother to waste the time to concoct stories and get away with only giving you a HJ i/o a BJ (when to a REAL pro, there's really not that much difference between the 2 - except that a HJ probably takes a longer time to complete. Time is money to them!), and the fact that most WG's willl not stick around their place of business when they are on Red days (when there's hardly a reason for them be there, and they'd end up making more money sub-leasing their unit to a substitute rather than if they waited around to only offer BJ/HJ's).

Thank you


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 3-1-2011 11:43 ]
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Post at 3-1-2011 15:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 SEAJ's post

... made sense OK to me ... he ended up paying for FS out of sympathy for his story, then found out she was a regular allalong.  Since she lied about being a sub, she was likely to be lying about her red days too.  

I'm OK with generalised cautionary tales - in Chat - truth is even if I knew specifically which girl it was, I don't really care since the takeaway learning applies to all.

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SEAJ   3-1-2011 15:22  Acceptance  +1   That's what I also say/Nuthin wrong.

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Post at 3-1-2011 21:28  Profile P.M. 
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Hey thanks guys for your replies.

Yeah, this is a true event that happened to me yesterday. The reason why I didn't post this as a report and included any details is due to three reasons. 1. I don't hate her. I blame myself. I am not here to bad mouth the girl but to share a pretty ridiculous event. 2. Working girls check these databases for their own reports and don't want her to share this story and laugh at me with her friends. I was a total idiot and I am pretty ashamed of myself. It's the anonymity of this forum which encouraged me to post this. 3. I can't be 100% sure she is the girl in the ad - it's lightly pixiated. I am over 90% confident but what if I am wrong. I don't want to ruin the regular girl's reputation due to my own mistake.

[ Last edited by  aray at 3-1-2011 21:30 ]

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DArtagnan   4-1-2011 08:43  Karma  +1   Cheers to that!
stage6   3-1-2011 21:50  Acceptance  +1   Cheers
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Post at 3-1-2011 21:34  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks DArtagnan for those sage advice. I've read many posts where it's always good to walk out if something's wrong. I've done it before. But I don't always have the determination to do so. I would normally do it within the first 10 seconds. But this girl was clever. We talked and hugged for around 5 mins before she said it. And she was so apologetic and said I should check out the other girls, and she wouldn't mind. She used reverse psychology on me. I am the type who don't take shit, but easily get manipulated by those sweet sales girls / servile guys.
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Post at 3-1-2011 21:39  Profile P.M. 
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SEAJ, time is money, when there is business. I was in a dead part of town, where entire brothel floors were closed. I suppose she didn't mind spending an hour with me, if it meant not doing the deed. All she had to do is chat a little and do an ASSISTED handjob. Yes, it was completely ridiculous to pretend not knowing how to put on a condom. That is one of the big tip off that she was acting all along. If there were none of those over-the-top warning signs, I would never have put two and two together. She over did her story and acting.
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Post at 4-1-2011 00:53  Profile P.M. 
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aray - thanks for the story and warning. In a way, I sometimes feel that I am blessed for only knowing very limited Mandarin. In my experiences with the PRC girls, I've never had anyone try to sell me a sob story. My friends who can speak Chinese on the other hand have had a few of these sob stories.

Whatever the case is, don't think that you're that big of a fool. You yourself realized your mistake, so you won't ever repeat it again.
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Post at 4-1-2011 02:33  Profile P.M. 
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I feel for you man.  Can you at least please share the link to the girl so we can avoid her IF we so choose?
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Post at 4-1-2011 08:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 aray's post

Honestly I think this kind of thing happens all the time ... and few people step up to report it, maybe feeling foolish!
I take the view that the lessons we learn by spotting when we were cheated or lied to are very valuable.  And have a good laugh over it

Play the game, it's a great way to learn to trust your intuition!!  

Apropos ... first time I travelled in India, my friends and I spotted and catalogued 26 uniquely different ways the locals try to scam ignorant tourists ... after the first few we became very sharp at recognising the early-warning signs, and even managed to scam the scammers a few times.

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Post at 4-1-2011 20:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 aray's post

Know what - this "scam" fits in very well with the them of my previous post - Tricks of the Game - WG's exposed - ... &extra=page%3D2

I hope you don't mind, but I will link this post of yours in the above thread

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Post at 7-1-2011 09:02  Profile P.M. 
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You got tricked but don't feel too bad, I probably would do the same as you did.  Now just think about if it happened again how are you going to react.  Good luck next time.

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