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Post at 22-11-2010 00:17  Profile P.M. 
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Tony Parker's Mistresses

So another sports celebrity bites the dust. Tony Parker is accused of cheating on his hott wife Eva Longoria. I guess it was never a matter of if he was going to cheat but when he would be caught... Here are some pictures of his mistresses...
Gotta hand it to him though he was even baning his fellow team mate Brent Barry's wife. What a team player!

http://gutteruncensorednewsb.blo ... ker-really-are.html
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Post at 25-11-2010 20:22  Profile P.M. 
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Some of the US tabloids have also suggested that Tony was big on scoring in the VIP room in a number of strip clubs, and that Mrs. Parker has had to take an STD test.

Also...as the reporter astutely noted, she is 7 years older than him, and he is an NBA star, getting him to stay faithful was going to be a tall order from the get go.

[ Last edited by  paladin310 at 25-11-2010 04:26 ]
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Post at 29-11-2010 05:48  Profile P.M. 
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seems to be the thing to do in the NBA, looked at happened with Lebron's mom last year, haha.

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bohica   29-11-2010 22:18  Acceptance  -1   Innappropiate

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