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Post at 21-10-2010 00:17  Profile P.M. 
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TST Bar scene update

Just come from Hari's Bar in TST. Place was packed, very good for a Wednesday! Lots of WG's including:

  • 4 - 5 Russians
  • at least 1 Venezualan
  • 6 - 8 Mongolians
  • 6 - 8 Thai including some real stunners.
  • Plenty of Fils
  • An Angolan

I met up with one of my favourite Mongolians and she has agreed to take care of my needs for the rest of the week including a tour of duty on the weekend Hong Kong side assuming Typhoon doesn't get in the way in which case we may just be stuck in my room for the day... typhoon or no typhoon, seems I cant lose so I am very happy.

NOTE: Sticky Fingers in TST East has MOVED. A pizza place is now where Sticky's was. Stickys has moved just around the corner next to Starbucks. Looks like it is a couple days away from reopening.

Will report on my Mongolian adventure on my return. On Sunday going to China, considering FS Massage at my hotel in DG. Any advice or recommendations? I am not sure what hotel we are staying at yet because someone else handled booking for me.

One more point re Hari's, lots of WGs were hanging around outside Hari's tonight, including girls who had been up in the bar and come down for a smoke, AND streetwalkers. The stretch of Mody Rd between Nathan and Minden seems to be a "hotspot". Seems the WGs know that Bros come down for a smoke during the evening so are ready to take advantage of opportunities.

For more info CLICK ON THIS LINK.

[ Last edited by  TonyToro at 21-10-2010 07:49 ]

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TheButler   23-11-2010 23:21  Karma  +3   El Toro strikes again!
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Post at 21-10-2010 14:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 TonyToro's post

wow thats a great mix TT. Russians, Venezuelans, Mongalians and Angolan. would have loved to be there that night!

look forward to your post!
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Post at 21-10-2010 15:16  Profile P.M. 
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Impressive indeed... I know where I'm starting my night off tonight! how do you know if a girl is Mongolian without asking? I'm intrigued... I hear they love sex!
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Post at 21-10-2010 21:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 Fudgie's post

they look similar to Koreans and Japanese but with a little darker skin. The usually speak good English but with a little "Russian" accent. When you ask "where are you from?" they proudly say "Mongolia".
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Post at 21-10-2010 21:58  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for the update on Hari's.  Cant wait till next week when I can try a Mongolian.
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Post at 22-10-2010 05:04  Profile P.M. 
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Arriving Sunday (Typhoon permitting) and staying at the HI so will be in Hari's for a little evening action. Once I've watched Man U v' Stoke of course. And once I've had a little afternoon walk-up.

Fancy a bit of Russian myself!

We'll see.


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Post at 22-10-2010 07:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 pinkhunter66's post

The soccer will be on TV in the lounge area of Hari's Bar.
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Post at 22-10-2010 16:36  Profile P.M. 
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I'm always curious and want to have an experience with WG at the bars. I read some threads and Hari is a good place to start I decide.... however I don't stay in hotel as I live with my family.

Can any ching provide me some important notes about how to find a good WG? Many thanks!!
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Post at 23-10-2010 00:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 ch.levis's post

refer to post #1 of this thread!
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Post at 23-11-2010 19:06  Profile Blog P.M. 
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was at hari's this weekend... nothing to comment on..just the same o fat chinese and a few viets... nothing i would say was out of ordinary.. there were some good looking locals as well. but i saw more over in early 30than say 20's.

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Post at 23-11-2010 19:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 wolfy187's post

Thanks for the update Bro. Which day did you go and what time?

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