Subject: Blackberry browser, Are you 10 years old?
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Post at 23-10-2010 01:14  Profile P.M. 
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Blackberry browser, Are you 10 years old?

just noticed that when I log on to SEX141 on my BB it asks me if I'm older than 10 years old rather than 18!!! Is this because the screen is so damn small you can't see anything you shouldn't.....mind you my eye sight was better when I was 10

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Post at 23-10-2010 02:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 jilluk98's post

It's just the special extra security they have on Blackberries.

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Post at 23-10-2010 03:35  Profile P.M. 
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Which ype of Blackberry do you use? I have the 9000 anf it show the right age: 18!

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Post at 23-10-2010 04:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 griffin's post

I think my old Bold did as well, it is the new(er) Bold 9700, strange thing is it occasionally does shown 18 but more often as not 10, I'll try and get a screen dump

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Post at 23-10-2010 04:45  Profile P.M. 
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just to show my eye sight is totally flawed...

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Post at 23-10-2010 05:50  Profile P.M. 
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From experience i know that this is very hard to render incorrectly unless the admin changed the value of the button himself (temporarily)

Or maybe your BB secretly photoshop'ed that button for you ;)
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Post at 23-10-2010 10:47  Profile P.M. 
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I can confirm that on my Blackberry Bold that the website listed 10 years old as well but then upon refreshing the webpage, it went to list 18 years old. Very strange.
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Post at 24-10-2010 21:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 jilluk98's post

Its a special adjustment specially made for Twice's nephew!
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Post at 24-10-2010 21:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 JckJr's post

they should just take down twice' IP and adjust it just for him
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Post at 26-10-2010 15:11  Profile P.M.  QQ Yahoo!
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I just checked it on my blackberry storm and it shows 18 I had to magnify it to see it though
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Post at 2-11-2010 22:36  Profile P.M. 
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It is a magnification thing, if you zoom in it changes to 18 and as you zoom out it goes back to 10, must be just the way it renders an 8 when there are not really enough pixels....oh well that is the end of any spooky theories


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