Subject: Uh Oh... Well, hand me a pint and I'll drink my sorrows away...
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Kinky King
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Post at 1-11-2010 21:35  Profile P.M. 
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Uh Oh... Well, hand me a pint and I'll drink my sorrows away...

ALCOHOL is more dangerous than illegal drugs like heroin and crack cocaine - when the ripple effect on society is taken into consideration, a new UK study has found.
British experts said alcohol was most destructive because it was so widely used and had devastating consequences not only for drinkers but for those around them.

The study evaluated substances including alcohol, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy and marijuana, ranking them based on how destructive they were to the individual who took them and to society as a whole.

Researchers analysed how addictive a drug was and how it harmed the human body, in addition to other criteria like environmental damage caused by the drug, its role in breaking up families and its economic costs, such as health care, social services, and prison.

Heroin, crack cocaine and methamphetamine, or crystal meth, were the most lethal to individuals. When considering their wider social effects, alcohol, heroin and crack cocaine were the deadliest. But overall, alcohol outranked all other substances, followed by heroin and crack cocaine. Marijuana, ecstasy and LSD scored far lower.

The study was paid for by Britain's Centre for Crime and Justice Studies and was published online in the medical journal, The Lancet.

"Just think about what happens (with alcohol) at every football game," said Wim van den Brink, a professor of psychiatry and addiction at the University of Amsterdam. He was not linked to the study but co-authored a commentary in the Lancet.

When drunk in excess, alcohol damaged nearly all organ systems. It was also connected to higher death rates and was involved in a greater percentage of crime than most other drugs, including heroin.

But experts said it would be impractical and incorrect to outlaw alcohol.

"We cannot return to the days of prohibition," said Leslie King, an adviser to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and one of the study's authors.

"Alcohol is too embedded in our culture and it won't go away."

King said countries should target problem drinkers, not the vast majority of people who indulge in a drink or two. He said governments should consider more education programs and raising the price of alcohol so it isn't as widely available.

Experts said the study should prompt countries to reconsider how they classified drugs. For example, last year in Britain, the government increased its penalties for the possession of marijuana. One of its senior advisers, David Nutt - the lead author on the Lancet study - was fired after he criticised the British decision.

"What governments decide is illegal is not always based on science," said van den Brink. He said considerations about revenue and taxation, like those garnered from the alcohol and tobacco industries, may influence decisions about which substances to regulate or outlaw.

"Drugs that are legal cause at least as much damage, if not more, than drugs that are illicit," he said.

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Post at 2-11-2010 15:58  Profile P.M. 
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It is logical that alcohol affects society as a whole more than illegal drugs because more people drink alcohol. Alcohol is an illegal drug in most society until you reach a certain age of course, and there is a reason for that.

The bigger problem facing society is obesity because of foods high in sugar, fat, salt etc. Maybe they should make those foods illegal to lessen the impact on society as a whole. Not to mention all the crap preservatives and other artificial chemicals that is put into food which does who knows what.
Kinky King
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Post at 2-11-2010 19:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 reggid's post

And cigarettes (sorry, non smoker here.)

I can sit and drink myself legless in the corner of a pub and as long as I don't get too loud, I will not affect anyone. Everyone who smokes in a public place breathes their smoke on people around them.

Lets face it... there are a lot of problems facing the world!

I actually saw a news piece last night with a drug/alcohol counsellor from the UK talking about this topic. His point was that to say that alcohol is bad is irrelevant. We should be looking at why so many people feel the need in their lives to 'drown their sorrows' and resort to heavy drinking or drug use in the first place.
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Post at 2-11-2010 21:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 lister01's post

Not everybody who drinks or do drugs do so to drown their sorrows, so methinks this so-called counsellor is barking up the wrong tree
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Post at 2-11-2010 22:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 JckJr's post

I drink to be socially accepted in bars while picking up women.  I sleep with women to drown my sorrows!  So maybe it's the same thing in the end.

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