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Post at 30-8-2010 16:56  Profile P.M. 
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Filipina backlash

I heard on the news that when ex corrupt president Estrada's son tried to enter Hong Kong, the immigration officer threw his passport in his face    I'd like to buy that officer a beer.  They should build a little Angeles City in HK to improve Filipino-HK relations. Speaking of which, does anyone know of any good Filipina WGs here in HK?

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Post at 30-8-2010 21:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 easycoke70's post

suggest you go to Wan Chai Bro.
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Post at 30-8-2010 22:51  Profile P.M. 
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I'm confused about your post. Are you for or against philipinos?

I noticed on Sunday morning that Central was almost devoid of maids having their picknics on the sidewalks. I think that's the first Sunday I ever  saw that, had to be due to the demonstration.

I would agree with the poster above if your looking for philipino WG's you should check out the bars on Lockhart street and vicinity in Wan Chai.
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Post at 30-8-2010 22:56  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by easycoke70 at 30-8-2010 16:56
I heard on the news that when ex corrupt president Estrada's son tried to enter Hong Kong, the immigration officer threw his passport in his face...

no that's not true. Estrada's son claimed that that's what happened, but they then reviewed the footage from a CCTV and determined that no such thing happened.
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Post at 30-8-2010 23:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 barney.winkel's post

I think you one of those who adds words into the situation ...
media never reported that the passport was thrown at HIS FACE ... just thrown at him !
BTW since you're in Korea what does it matter to you ?

apologies ... this reply was to post #1 not #4

[ Last edited by  twiceAweek at 2-10-2010 18:26 ]
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Post at 31-8-2010 03:30  Profile P.M. 
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WTF?! Chucking someone's passport back after stamping it, rather than passing or placing it back normally?! That is so goddam rude and unprofessional. I expect more from a HK immigration officer, really. This shit reminds me of some of the assholes I've encountered in some countries. Immigration officers are the face of a country, the first point of contact if you will, and no matter what the current affairs, should be courteous and be a good representative, imo.

People really need to get to grips with how they deal with Filipinos in the aftermath of the hijacking and deaths. We cannot take it out on Filipinos - FFS, that would be like the equivalent of me getting stick for some of the inadequacies of the British police force or something! Or all HK people getting attitude for, say, Donald Tsang failing at something. Totally backward and brainless.

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Post at 31-8-2010 03:42  Profile P.M. 
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If you actually knew Jinggoy Estrada, you'd know that he's full of shit.

I wouldn't trust that this incident happened solely on his say so.  

He just wanted to get a sound bite.  I can imagine that the immigration threw the passport back onto the counter instead of placing it there, but I've had this happen to me, and I have a HKID.  It's more of indifference rather than intentional for the most part.

And as for throwing the passport at him, if it actually happened, this asshole of a Philippine senator would definitely make a big fuss of it, he's a super crybaby and power tripper.  The immigration officer has to know he's being filmed as well, so this is so doubtful that somebody wants to lose their job over something so trivial.

Word of advice, never take any Philippine politician at his word, it's worth nothing, just like the average handshake of most Filipinos.
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Post at 31-8-2010 13:17  Profile P.M.  QQ Yahoo!
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The filipino maids have to leave their family and love ones to come to HK just to make a little money to provide for thier family. A lot of them are treated badly by thier employers and they work like slaves. The tragedy in the philipines had nothing to do with them and now many of them are afraid to go out on thier only day off during the week. I have heard several were sacked because of this. I just hope things get back to normal for the helpers they don't deserve that type of treatment.

I hope any backlash will not be directed towards the maids.
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Post at 31-8-2010 14:16  Profile P.M. 
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How can the immigration officer throw the passport back at Estrada if there is that plexiglass between them?  The officer would have to deliberately stick his/her hand through opening to able to flick the passport at Estrada.  Unless Estrada was told to come to the side by an Immigration officer then led to a interrogation room to have the passport thrown at him.
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Post at 31-8-2010 15:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 Mackfg's post

Im against filipinos in Philippines but their foreign workers by and large seem like a nice bunch.

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Post at 31-8-2010 15:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 easycoke70's post

That doesn't make sense to me. Can you explain why you see a difference?

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Post at 2-10-2010 18:22  Profile P.M. 
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Xenophobia seems to be alive and well in this discussion at times, I've always been moderately pleased that it does not rear it's ugly bigoted head here to often.  The accident of birth happened to each and every one of us, how can anyone pick a problem with someone just because of the place they were born in.  The majority of people in HK I've worked with and socialised with are great folk, honest and honourable.  Should I assume everyone is like that, might be a fool hardy to say the least. Just because someone was born in a village near Manila, why should you have a problem with them?  Does everyone born in USA have to grow a huge arse?  No!
Now if you want to have a problem with a county's government I have no problem with that, government corruption is probably responsible for more human damage than anything else, fat greedy twats getting rich as their people starve, but for goodness sake don'ttake it out on the casualties of this.  The Philippines have been plundered by just about everyone from the Spanish to the Japanese and the Americans and now themselves, give the people born there a break.

bit serious for me, but I just hate unintelligent racist comments

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Post at 2-10-2010 18:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 jilluk98's post

Just to be clear that was totally aimed at our buggered beggar friend who started the thread


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