Subject: Who does these surveys? Maybe their GF's are looking over their shoulder...
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Kinky King
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Post at 27-9-2010 20:07  Profile P.M. 
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Who does these surveys? Maybe their GF's are looking over their shoulder... ... rfkyi-1225930133372

Men prioritise facial features when looking for long-term relationship, study finds

A PRETTY face will take a woman a long way if she is on the hunt for a husband.

But if it's just casual sex she's after, she had better hit the treadmill, because it's the body that counts.

A new study found that men keen on a short-term relationship were interested in the look of a woman's body, whereas men searching for a long-term relationship were more focused on a woman's face.

University of Texas psychologists showed 375 students photos of potential casual or long-term mates, but only head or body shots, depending on what they chose to see.

Just 25 per cent of those who were looking for long-term partners focused on the body compared with 51 per cent of those looking for short-term partners.

Unlike men, the study found women showed no major preferences for face or body when it came to selecting a partner.

Study co-author Jaime Confer said previous research had showed a woman's body provided cues about her state of fertility while her face gave an insight into her long-term reproductive value.

She said the latest findings suggested men looking for a short-term relationship had an inclination to look for partners who were fertile.

"Men's priorities shift depending on what they want in a mate, with facial features taking on more importance when a long-term relationship is the goal," Ms Confer told Newswise.

"Mating is central to the engine of natural selection. This research helps clarify people's preference."

Other studies have examined aspects that make faces and bodies attractive, such as waist-to-hip ratio, but this is the first study to look at the separate impact of faces and bodies.

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Post at 27-9-2010 20:43  Profile P.M. 
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sometime i think it is interesting for university need to spend time to do experiment for some basic stuff. i guess it should not be surprised that guys are usually looking for good looking gals for long term relationships right???

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Post at 27-9-2010 23:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 lister01's post

where do you find these articles? you must be reading all kinds of papers and the net to always come up with these different topics.
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 28-9-2010 00:03  Profile P.M. 
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lister .. you read the same websites as i do .. i guess is both our homepages? haha ...

go aussie
Kinky King
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Post at 28-9-2010 00:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 pornaddy's post

Yeah. I just don't have time to watch the nightly news on tv, so i keep an eye on just to know what is going on in the world. These days most internet new sites include links to stories from all over the world.

  And since becoming fairly active on this forum, news stories relating to sex, relationships and boobs tend to catch my eye - that and I'm a dirty bastard

EDIT:  this reminds me of a story I saw a while back. Rupert Murdoch wanting to charge for online news coverage (good luck with that you greedy prick...) - ... h-charging-websites  The internet is out there, Rupert, and if you want to charge, I will read the British tabloids, or a Yugoslavian chronicle... Someone on the internet is going to post the news for free. Compete with that, idiot

[ Last edited by  lister01 at 28-9-2010 00:25 ]

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