US: China currency policy threatens global reforms
June 11, 2010 - 12:59PM
US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Thursday that China's refusal to revalue its currency impeded global economic reforms, as he faced calls from lawmakers for retaliatory action.
"The distortions caused by China's exchange rate spread far beyond China's borders and are an impediment to the global rebalancing we need," Geithner told a congressional hearing on the US-China economic relationship.
Under the rebalancing effort, global leaders have agreed that steps should be taken to strike a balance between the huge trade surpluses in Asia and a massive buildup of debt in wealthier countries.
"Reform of China's exchange rate is critically important to the United States and to the global economy," Geithner said, addressing US lawmakers' complaints that Beijing keeps the yuan undervalued against the dollar for a trade advantage.
Facing election-year pressure, lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle have vowed to launch legislative action in two weeks to punish China over its currency policy, which they say has led to massive job losses and factory closures in the United States and fueled a ballooning trade deficit.
Geithner said it was "very important for China to understand" that the legislative move enjoyed "very broad bipartisan support."
Lawmakers on Thursday also sent a petition to the US Department of Commerce calling for investigations into the impact of alleged Chinese currency manipulation on the American paper industry.
In a letter to Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, they sought a ruling on whether Beijing's currency policy provided an "unfair subsidy for Chinese paper products that should be remedied through trade measures."
"America can no longer afford to be complacent. We no longer have the luxury of pursuing failed approaches," said Democratic Senator Max Baucus, who chaired the congressional hearing.
"We must rethink the US-China economic relationship. We must act, not just talk," he added.
Baucus and other lawmakers criticized Geithner for delaying a Treasury report to Congress due in April that could have labeled China a currency manipulator.
Geithner had indefinitely postponed the release of the mandatory report in a bid to use both bilateral and international force to pressure China to revalue the yuan. Beijing has not budged.
Chinese President Hu Jintao said last month that his country would adjust its policy at its own pace while emphasizing that Beijing was committed to the exchange-rate reform.
"The time is long past for the Treasury Department to admit publicly what everyone else already knows -- namely, that China is manipulating the value of its currency in order to gain an unfair advantage in international trade," said Republican Senator Chuck Grassley.
"I worry that, by delaying the report, Treasury has raised expectations that won't be met."
Geithner signaled that Washington had not lost hope for action by China, citing the upcoming summit of the Group of 20 in Toronto on June 26-27 to be attended by China, the United States and other key economies.
"We want to make sure that we are using every effective means to encourage them to move, including taking advantage of the fact that the leaders of the G20 meet in Canada later this month," he said.
The latest US trade data Thursday showed the US deficit with China expanded by 14.3 percent to 19.3 billion US dollars in April.
Last year, the deficit rose to a whopping 227 billion US dollars.
China injected some flexibility into its currency in 2005 following US pressure, but when the global financial crisis erupted in 2008, it repegged the yuan to around 6.8 to the dollar.
© 2010 AFP
This story is sourced direct from an overseas news agency as an additional service to readers. Spelling follows North American usage, along with foreign currency and measurement units.
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