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Post at 24-5-2010 06:00  Profile P.M. 
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Sado-masochistic sex story

Aussie scoops Camera d'OR in Cannes
Australian Michael Rowe has picked up the prestigious Cannes prize for best first film for a torrid tale shot and produced in Mexico.
Leap Year is a sado-masochistic sex story set in a claustrophobic apartment in Mexico City.
It was among 24 first films competing for the Camera d'Or award for best first feature movie.
"I want to thank the Mexican nation that created this story," he said on receiving the prize on Sunday.
Rowe, who went to Melbourne's La Trobe University, has written several plays and lives in the Mexican capital.
His film was screened in the parallel Directors' Fortnight section of the festival, which closed on Sunday with a gala awards ceremony.

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Post at 24-5-2010 06:50  Profile P.M. 
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lol i've seen it all hahaha

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